Participants needed

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Hi all,
I have previously posted asking for participants for my dissertation, however, this is my last call. I will be ending the first wave of data collection on 28th Feb, 2017.
All participation is greatly appreciated 🙂


As part of my Health Psychology MSc thesis, I am looking for males and females aged 18 years and older who regularly control their blood sugar. You will be required to complete three questionnaires looking into the effects of numeracy skills on the relationship between doctor-patient communication and blood sugar control. Data will be collected initially, and then follow-up data will be sent via email 4 to 8 weeks later containing the same three questionnaires. Completion at each time point will take approximately 20 minutes and participation would be greatly appreciated. Please visit the link for access to the questionnaire.

This study has recieved ethical approval and has been approved by admin of this forum

Thank you for your time
I've done this too, but I hope I haven't skewed your data (I might have). The questions about my GP don't really apply my diabetes care is undertaken separately by a community diabetes team. I filled the questions in relating to my GP but my answers for the diabetes team would have been different. Just thought I'd mention that because the structure of care is different in different locations 🙂
I was trying to explain this to a trainee pharmacist (Finals in July) only yesterday. I said I didn't expect a pharmacist to be able to answer detailed questions about my diabetes, bearing in mind absolutely nobody in this building (they are actually within the GP surgery with nurses, phlebotomy service, diagnostic ultrasound service, ECG service, 'Warfarin clinic', etc - most of these open to patients from other local surgeries - has had sufficient specialist training and doesn't have the specialist experience - to do that. Here - I have access to my hospital team by phone and email in between regular appointments if I need it. AFAIK the whole of Coventry is the same for T1s. However - many many T2s are also using insulin and I am really not sure where THEY can go for specialist advice - so it may be necessary for pharmacists to have more knowledge than I would need from them, and she'd have to talk to the head pharmacist here about that. However if she wanted to work elsewhere than Coventry - some areas treat T1s in GP surgeries so it would be different and not what she's used to here. And then said 'and diabetes is just one condition out of - how many you need to know enough about? and laughed. Then added - and of course, just when you feel comfortable with your knowledge of whatever - the drugs and Guidelines will change again .... still at least when you retire from being a Pharmacist, you can just forget about it and stop needing to update your knowledge. None of us, can!
I have just completed this but my maths is pants x lol x
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