Pain and a kinky dog

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Much missed Moderator
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Today is a bad day. My arm is killing me again, my stomach hurts, I feel bloated, I have pins and needles in my hands and there's something weird going on with my feet. The mutt was sniffing at my toes earlier (I told you she was kinky :D ) and her whiskers touched me, I almost went through the roof. It didn't hurt, but the sensation was so intense it was almost unbearable.

BGL is 7.1.
Today is a bad day. My arm is killing me again, my stomach hurts, I feel bloated, I have pins and needles in my hands and there's something weird going on with my feet. The mutt was sniffing at my toes earlier (I told you she was kinky :D ) and her whiskers touched me, I almost went through the roof. It didn't hurt, but the sensation was so intense it was almost unbearable.

BGL is 7.1.

that sounds a bit like what happened to me hun :( I'd get to the docs if i were you :(
ahhhh poor you...and sam been reading your probs over last week. I had it bad a while ago before diagnoises and i found body shop peppermint foot lotion the best, but any cooling mosituriser helped until saw doc who suggested i take asprin at night..but check with doc asap
and you were thinking of painting again..i remember you said you went to the slade ...Id love to see your work sometime...hope things get better soonX
that sounds a bit like what happened to me hun :( I'd get to the docs if i were you :(

I've an appointment with the doctor in the morning. I may call NHS Direct though, see what they say. It's not bad enough to make me cry, not quite.
I've an appointment with the doctor in the morning. I may call NHS Direct though, see what they say. It's not bad enough to make me cry, not quite.

*massive hugs* Hope you'll be alright hun! Docs will sort it out 🙂 Good idea to give nhs direct a call though, i totally wimped out of doing that!
ahhhh poor you...and sam been reading your probs over last week. I had it bad a while ago before diagnoises and i found body shop peppermint foot lotion the best, but any cooling mosituriser helped until saw doc who suggested i take asprin at night..but check with doc asap
and you were thinking of painting again..i remember you said you went to the slade ...Id love to see your work sometime...hope things get better soonX

Peppermint foot lotion is brill.....:D
hi Ally sorry to hear you having foot trouble how are you now? x
Had a bit of a nap and the arm's stopped throbbing so much, still got the pins and needles though. Tried NHS Direct, got held in a queue, gave up.
Alison - glad to hear your arm is a bit better. As well as phoning, you can also email NHS Direct, although there's no guarantee when the reply will come back. At least, you used to be able to email NHS Direct, but looking on their website just now, couldn't find a way to email health questions.
Ally, it does sound very similar to the sort of thing I was experiencing last year in the first few months after diagnosis, although I can obviously only go from what you describe. I had various pains, particularly in my knee joints and surrounding muscles and also my toes. My toes seemed particularly sensitive as I would recoil in horror if I even came close to stubbing my toes on anything, and even the weight of my duvet bothred me sometimes at night. At other times it was as though someone had stamped on my toes, and other time a shooting pain. All this largely passed by the first 6 months. During that time my HbA1c came down from 11.8% to 6.7%, then 5.3%, so to me this is what provides the explanation. Hopefully, you and Sam will also pass through this quickly.

I still get the occasional pain in my toes, and they do tend to go a bit numb after a long run, but they do recover and most of the time are fine.
I hope you feel better soon. If the pain is too much you can go to the hospital. they may advise you to see you doctor, but at least you can get immediate help.
Got through to NHS 24 (Scotland's version of NHS Direct) They want me to see a doctor tonight so they're organising an appointment for me, just waiting for the call back. I think they think I'm having a stroke or a heart attack because the pain is in my left arm. I'll let you know what happened when I get back.
Hi Alison, sorry to hear you're suffering pain today, hope the doc will be able to help.


Edit: you must've posted while I was typing (I was looking something up also, I'm not a slow typer, lol). Good luck for your appointment later.
😱 yes Ally please do I hope you will be ok xxxxx
We just got back and I was hypo, 3.8 when we left for the docs and 2.0 when I got in to see him. He gave me a shot of Demerol for the pain and some jelly babies for the hypo. Now I'm flying. I'm still in pain but I don't care any more. I was sitting in the waiting room and crying when he showed up, because I felt so low. I hate crying in front of other people, it really pisses me off.

I have a swanky sling for my arm and some codeine to take tomorrow to keep me going till I see the doctor. I'm having toast and raspberry jam AND some orange high juice to bring me back up. I probably shouldn't, but I am.

Have you any idea how hard it is for a southpaw to type using only the right hand?:D
aww ally im just the same i hate crying in front of others as well really cheeses me off , well hopefully hun things will calm down mm sounds delish i miss jam , hope you get a good sleep hun and take care xxx
bless you sweete glad you got a good response.. lets us know how doc goes X
glad things are ok hun! The codeine should sort you out for now until you can get to the docs. Good luck! xxx
Well I think we can say that that visit to the GP was a success!! Hope you tomorrow's a better day for you Alison. Hope you're reeeeeaaaaaaally enjoying that toast and jam !!

Saw the doctor this am:

1. I'm allowed to continue testing in the short term. I cried all over her and whinged about not feeling in control if I didn't know what was happening with my bloods.

2. She's taken me off the Gliclazide and upped the Metformin to 1500mg daily.

3. I have to keep taking the statin for now.

4. She's given me a low dose happy pill, Prozac, which I have no intention of taking. If she refers me to a shrink it will take up to a year to get an appointment, unless I want to pay for it myself.

5. I've lost a kilo and a half in just over three weeks

6. I have to go back in two weeks.

I've bought a pedometer, done 5032 steps and used up 162 kcals going from the surgery, three times round Tescos looking for stock and then home. At her recommendation, I also bought an infrared massage thimgy which feels great on my sore elbow.

I feel better today.
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