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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, just a bit of advice if possible?
I have been in the pre diabetic range for as long as I can remember (I’m now 59) out of five siblings four of us have diabetes. Hba1c had increased into the 70’s two years ago and I was started on ozempic last hba1c was 38! But the big but is there is no ozempic to be had and my gp and pharmacist state because I was on ozempic I am not allowed to change to the tablet form? Starting to feel quite dreadful blood sugars are high and low? Confused????
Hi, just a bit of advice if possible?
I have been in the pre diabetic range for as long as I can remember (I’m now 59) out of five siblings four of us have diabetes. Hba1c had increased into the 70’s two years ago and I was started on ozempic last hba1c was 38! But the big but is there is no ozempic to be had and my gp and pharmacist state because I was on ozempic I am not allowed to change to the tablet form? Starting to feel quite dreadful blood sugars are high and low? Confused????
If your HbA1C is 38mmol/mol that is now in normal range but as it is an average it can hide highs and lows but the aim should be to keep things on a more even keel by making some good dietary choices to stop your blood glucose going high after meals.
Are you monitoring your blood glucose at home with a blood glucose monitor as that might help you identify the foods and meals which raise blood glucose or indeed to see when you are experiencing low levels.
Hi thanks for your reply!
Hba1c was38 while on Ozempic high 70’s when on nothing. My blood sugars seem to make no sense at present. Just wondered how others managed going from ozempic to no medication?
Hi thanks for your reply!
Hba1c was38 while on Ozempic high 70’s when on nothing. My blood sugars seem to make no sense at present. Just wondered how others managed going from ozempic to no medication?
Do you have room to make some dietary changes to try to help bring things down. Had you needed to make some changes when on the Ozempic. There are oral medications which could be tried unless you had been unable to take those.
Hi because I’ve lived with this so long there were very few to no dietary changes made when I was on ozempic, I lost minimal weight but the effect it had on my blood glucose levels was amazing! I have been refused rybelsus as the pharmacist states the guidance says you are unable to swop medications due to shortage, seems unethical to me
Hi because I’ve lived with this so long there were very few to no dietary changes made when I was on ozempic, I lost minimal weight but the effect it had on my blood glucose levels was amazing! I have been refused rybelsus as the pharmacist states the guidance says you are unable to swop medications due to shortage, seems unethical to me
It might then be time to go down the route that many take and make some dietary changes as that is likely to be beneficial to your health anyway.
Following a low carb dietary regime can be just as enjoyable as eating all those carbs.
[...] my gp and pharmacist state because I was on ozempic I am not allowed to change to the tablet form? Starting to feel quite dreadful blood sugars are high and low? Confused????
You could point out to them that people on Victoza (and Byetta) have to be switched to Rybelsus by the end of March?
National Patient Safety Alert (two-page PDF automatic download)
Thanks for your reply, yes I have pointed this out but the pharmacist is digging his heals in, stating that the guideline state I can not swop from one form of semaglutide to another? So as I had a drug reaction to metformin the gp surgery have no plan and I am no longer on any medication
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