Out of obesity!!!!!

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well done, i wont pretend im not jealous because i am!! If having diabetes is'nt a good enough reason to get healthy and lose weight i don't know what is!! Ive just started to make an effort with the heathy eating lark so i know how hard it is, well done again and keep up the good work. Remember nothing will ever taste as good as is feels to be thin, or even just abit thinner!!:D:D

Hi insulinaddict09 - Thanks!

I totally agree with what you say - "If having diabetes is'nt a good enough reason to get healthy and lose weight i don't know what is!!"

Hope that things will go well for you too.

Keep trying - that is important.

Best Wishes - John
Congratulations Wally Corker - and without anti-obesity drugs, I' massuming? On the day that Alli becomes available under limited conditions without prescription from pharmacies.

Hi Copepod - Thanks!

I've had no anti-obesity drugs and don't even know what they are.

Mainly "eat less food diet" plus changed types of food.

Best Wishes - John
Congrats and well done you!

As T2 (morbidly obese person) who recently went onto insulin jabs 8 weeks ago - since when my diet has been perfect, text book - but you can imagine my frustration */*/*, when I was told I had put weight ON, which is not uncommon with insulin.

If I could ask, or you may wish to send me a PM, how you you manage it - cos I obvioulsy need help - as my dietician told me on Monday I am too strict with my diet.

Again Wally Cordone, congrats!


Hi Hazel - Thanks!

Funnily enough I think the thought of having to inject insulin was the trigger that got me started. I started after my GP had doubled my Metformin dose. He never mentioned insulin but I could see that was the way that I was heading.

This is the first book that I read that got me started but I didn't go all the way that it advised me to - but is inspired me and got me on track - "The Reverse Diabetes Diet: Control Your Blood Sugar, Repair Insulin Function and Minimise Your Medication" by Dr Neal D. Barnard:


I've read lots of really good books since - nearly all by US doctors.

Initially, I moved to a low-fat diet (almost no fat) and have gradually changed to changing foods and very recently reduced-carbohydrate.

I weigh most things - calorie count - and write everything down.

If you think that there is anything that I can help you with then just get in touch.

Best Wishes - John
Well done and encouraging for the rest of us. Maybe there is hope for us yet.🙂

Hi Heike,

Thanks! Keep trying - it is possible to get there.

Moreover, I'll never go back. Believe me!

Best Wishes - John
wow well done Wallycorker 🙂 You must feel great. Keep up the good work!

Thanks Katie - Yes I do believe me.

Best Wishes - John
Congratualtions! I have no doubt you will make it to your ideal weight.

Thanks sofaraway - I've no doubts also.

Best Wishes - John
WOOPPPEE! That really is an achievement - you must have very good willpower!:D Bev

Thanks Bev!

Will power is not a problem once I really want to do something.

Diabetes gave me the motivation to do that.

Best wishes to you and yours!

Congratulations John! You've not only succeeded in losing weight, but you've overcome the big obstacle that derails a lot of people - you are happy with your new diet and you intend to stick with it! Well done!🙂
Congratulations John! You've not only succeeded in losing weight, but you've overcome the big obstacle that derails a lot of people - you are happy with your new diet and you intend to stick with it! Well done!🙂

Thanks for that Northerner!

Best Wishes - John
A great success story, WELL DONE!! I bet you feel proud of yourself, well, you should! Getting my weight down is something I am failing miserably with!
A great success story, WELL DONE!! I bet you feel proud of yourself, well, you should! Getting my weight down is something I am failing miserably with!

Hi ivygirl,

Yes - I do! Thanks!

Stick at it - as you know it's very important to you.

Best Wishes - John
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