Out of obesity!!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I want to share this with someone - I hope that people won't mind me announcing it on this forum.

This morning I left obesity for the first time in many years!.

Been slimming for around 8 months and lost 25 kgs in weight.

It's done wonders for all my numbers - blood glucose, blood pressure and I expect cholesterol figures too when I'm next checked in the near future.

Still some way to go before I get out of "overweight" - and the next target after that is my "ideal weight" as defined by the medical people. I'm determined to get there.

Congrats! 😎

I desperately need to lose weight, might start walking around town. Or perhaps we could swap bodies and you could lose weight on mine using your obviously very good at losing weight mind and then return each other's bodies when you've lost enough weight off mine? :D

How has your blood glucose improved? Easier to control? More stable?
Wow wow wow.

From a morbidly obese person (although I feel a sz 14!!!) I am not offended by you posting this, why should I be.

I think it is absolutely fabulous news. Well done. I am in total admiration. As one fatty (whoops probably politically incorrect) to a now non fatty, good on yer.

Can I ask how you have done this please, I'm at my wits end and thinking gastric banding now.........

And way to go 🙂 - that is brilliant news - and exactly right kind of news we love - my spin on it is that diabetes isn't all that bad - when you get life changing results like this!

Well done you!
Well Done

And congratulations. I know it is hard work to shift the weight, I've been trying to for years.
Well done! I can't imagine the will power that must have taken. Go you 🙂
well done, i wont pretend im not jealous because i am!! If having diabetes is'nt a good enough reason to get healthy and lose weight i don't know what is!! Ive just started to make an effort with the heathy eating lark so i know how hard it is, well done again and keep up the good work. Remember nothing will ever taste as good as is feels to be thin, or even just abit thinner!!:D:D
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Congratulations Wally Corker - and without anti-obesity drugs, I' massuming? On the day that Alli becomes available under limited conditions without prescription from pharmacies.
Congrats and well done you!

As T2 (morbidly obese person) who recently went onto insulin jabs 8 weeks ago - since when my diet has been perfect, text book - but you can imagine my frustration */*/*, when I was told I had put weight ON, which is not uncommon with insulin.

If I could ask, or you may wish to send me a PM, how you you manage it - cos I obvioulsy need help - as my dietician told me on Monday I am too strict with my diet.

Again Wally Cordone, congrats!

Well done and encouraging for the rest of us. Maybe there is hope for us yet.🙂
wow well done Wallycorker 🙂 You must feel great. Keep up the good work!
WOOPPPEE! That really is an achievement - you must have very good willpower!:D Bev
Congrats! 😎

I desperately need to lose weight, might start walking around town. Or perhaps we could swap bodies and you could lose weight on mine using your obviously very good at losing weight mind and then return each other's bodies when you've lost enough weight off mine? :D

How has your blood glucose improved? Easier to control? More stable?

I'll see what I can do with your body after I get mine where I want it to be.

Exercise is good for you and I'm trying to do more but still no where near enough. However, exercise is a hard way to get rid of calories - you would need to walk/run about 15 miles a day to use up the 500 calories that is recommended to lose weight. I'd rather eat 500 calories less! 😉

HbA1c came down from 9.4% to 5.5% at last check. It was my experience that the improvement in blood glucose control came very quickly once I changed my diet - i.e. it didn't need any significant weight loss to get the improvement. It seemed more to do with eating less calories and/or the types of food that I was eating - i.e. low-fat and more recently reduced-carbohydrate.

Good luck!


Wow wow wow.

From a morbidly obese person (although I feel a sz 14!!!) I am not offended by you posting this, why should I be.

I think it is absolutely fabulous news. Well done. I am in total admiration. As one fatty (whoops probably politically incorrect) to a now non fatty, good on yer.

Can I ask how you have done this please, I'm at my wits end and thinking gastric banding now.........

Hi Adrienne,

I did two things together - I changed my diet to try to improve my Type 2 diabetic situation (the improvement came very quickly - almost immediately) and, separately,started calorie counting to lose weight.

I find it useful to write down everything that I eat and keep making small changes/improvements.

I suppose that I was near qualifying for gastric band because I started from a BMI of around 40. However, tpersonally, here isn't any way that I'd have taken that on board. I'd much sooner cut down on what I was
eating. It has taken 8 months but that isn't long really.

Hope that you will get motivated to try to change your own situation.

Good luck!

And way to go 🙂 - that is brilliant news - and exactly right kind of news we love - my spin on it is that diabetes isn't all that bad - when you get life changing results like this!

Well done you!

Thanks Admin,

I'm quite determined to get my life sorted out as best that I can do.

The last book I read was "Healthy at 100". Hope that I will be.

Best Wishes - John
And congratulations. I know it is hard work to shift the weight, I've been trying to for years.

Hi Caroline - Thanks!

Keep trying - that is important.

Hope that you will get there.

Best Wishes - John
Well done! I can't imagine the will power that must have taken. Go you 🙂

Hi coldclarity - Thanks!

No real difficulty after I sorted my mind out that it was the way to go.

Best Wishes - John
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