Our 5 year old son recently diagnosed type 1

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Porridge is one of my favourites. Bg stay normal for a good few hours & feel full till well past dinner time. Good luck 🙂
Hi yes he would come to us if he felt funny but out of all the hypos that he has had so far, during the day, he has not noticed even when he found it difficult to talk with one of them, luckily we were in the hospital for that one. He has come down stair once saying that he thinks his bloods need checking of which we did and they were high so we are hoping that he is starting to recognise the different feelings that go along with all these strange things that are happening to him. He has also started to role play using just normal pens and pencils. So he'll be playing and he'll present to be giving himself his own injections which I guess is his own little way of accepting what it happening and starting to accept the condition as well as learning the practical side of things to. I know all parents say this about their kids but he is truly a sweetheart.
Any tips on the sleepless nights would be greatly appreciated! It doesn't help that I also suffer from a back condition in which all my disc are blown in my lumbar area, bodged spine surgery and countless amount of medicines myself. At times I really feel I'm gonna lose my grip on this and the thing I'm so afraid of is that I'm not going to be able to look after him in the ways he needs. Perhaps it's just the lack of sleep that's talking!
Hi Kirsty. when your son is a little older I would recommend a Duk week/weekend. The kids go to one set of teaching & parents get taught in another place. I have volunteered on a couple of these & are good for all. Places all over the country 🙂. Good luck
Hi thanks Hobie, I have seen that there are certain events that happen during the year and that the ages start from 7 I think. Yes I think it would be helpful for all of us. I have just heard of a friend of a friends little boy who is also 5 years old and he was just diagnosed in the summer so hopefully there'll be a bit of networking that takes place. Thanks again x
You meet others. I got put in charge of a group of kids. One kid 14 had never self injected with lots of encourage from others. Me & other kids sorted that out. Changed her life & her parents. I have been T1 since the age of 3. Have worked & been all over this county. "As others don't tell me I cant" Been to Asia on my motorbike. Been British National champ 3 times.
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