Opinions - Lada or not?

So, @CliffH, does my wife. And it's not just when I talk about Diabetes.

But the pedant in me, @Inka and @helli, keeps banging against the idea of even sensibly discussing this, when DUK says otherwise and I presume they are following the NHS line.
I was diagnosed T2 purely because of my age (57 at the time). However when tested the meter read "Hi" and I had all the symptoms + some Ketones. I was on insulin very quickly thereafter. However it took 8 years to get that diagnosis overturned, meanwhile I was refused carb counting education, a meter that calculated doses and told I'd never have a pump and that even if I was LADA I'd not get a pump or carb counting.. Had to kick up a fuss to get tests and the consultant then said the whole diagnosis was ridiculous and I was T1. My treatment has been chalk and cheese before and after. So I'd say stick to your guns @pawprint91 and do all you can to keep the T1 diagnosis.

Oh and congratulations on your hard work and great results!
I’m so sorry you had that experience - and thank you for your kind words!