Online survey on healthy eating advice & nutrition apps for type 2 diabetes


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Relationship to Diabetes
We are seeking adults living in the UK to complete a 20-MINUTE SURVEY on:
  • experiences of healthy eating advice received as part of diabetes management
  • interest in using nutrition apps to assist with diabetes management
We want to hear from you if:
  • you were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes within the last 10 years
  • you are receiving first-line treatment (i.e., lifestyle changes with or without metformin)
To find out more & go to the survey, scan the QR code below or click here

If you have any questions, please private message me or email - we look forward to hearing from you!

This project is led by researchers from the University for Reading. Ethical Approval Number: 29/2024

This has been approved by @AnnaDUK. This study is not affiliated with Diabetes UK.

I wonder what percentage of type 2s get advice from their GP other than take these tablets and come back in 3 months.
Completed. A very useful App, very different from my own, but presented well and a very visual approach. Not enough nitty gritty detail for me about ones diet in the App, but then most people freak out at lots of data thrown at them.

And, it seems that most people live busy, complicated lives and don't want to have them further cluttered or restricted by having to be 'careful' in what they eat and do.
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I wonder what percentage of type 2s get advice from their GP other than take these tablets and come back in 3 months.
Or be referred to the DN, if your surgery has one, just to get the diatribe on diet and come back in three months.
I wonder what percentage of type 2s get advice from their GP other than take these tablets and come back in 3 months.
This was certainly the case with me. They seemed much more interested in getting metformin to do the job than in helping me to find ways of controlling my type 2.
I was given no information at all, was mis diagnosed as a type 1, given insulin!!!. It was up to me to sort out the deadly mess they left me in. Hence my preoccupation on analysis, reasoning, control. I was rediagnosed as type 2 some months later and I am well, in remission, happy
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Thank you to everyone who has completed so far! Very interesting to hear everyone's thoughts about healthy eating advice and nutrition apps. Your responses will give us some really useful insights and ideas to take forward. 🙂 We're looking forward to hearing from others too!
Thank you to everyone who has completed so far! Very interesting to hear everyone's thoughts about healthy eating advice and nutrition apps. Your responses will give us some really useful insights and ideas to take forward. 🙂 We're looking forward to hearing from others too!
I really struggled with the survey as it suddenly presented a score based on a food questionnaire which I had not seen as part of the survey so not sure what I missed.
I really struggled with the survey as it suddenly presented a score based on a food questionnaire which I had not seen as part of the survey so not sure what I missed.
Thanks for flagging this up - it's been clarified on the survey for new participants.