One opposable thumb

It seems that a lot of us have been down the same pathway.
Only just recovered from slashing right thumb, was washing out tuna tin for recycling & managed to slice it open, wife said it needed stitches as it bleed & bleed & cut was deep but refused to go, stubborn sod when it comes to going to drs or A&E.
Did that years ago to the top of my thumb near the knuckle, tearing a 10 or 12mm U shaped flap of skin tissue. On a moving joint. Washing a wine glass I didn’t know had a broken chunk out of it. I pushed the tissue back in place & electrical taped some bog roll over it (sort of round the top of my thumb & knuckles.) as a quick fix before going to work. Had to keep changing the bandage. (Keeping the tape on me.) blood over everything. Still got slight scar tissue where it grafted back?
@Satan’s little helper your story reminds me of the Tale of my Finger Scar except no kitchen equipment was damaged.
I parked at the garage to drop my car off for a service. As I was walking away from the car, I remembered the service manual was still in the glove compartment so I returned, opened the passenger door, took the manual out and placed it on the passenger seat. All good so far. Then I slammed the door.

On my finger. Ouch. Blood splurted.

I put my finger in the usual place to avoid drippage and I walked into the car workshop with my finger in my mouth to ask for a plaster.
After a bit of umming and aahing, the mechanics came up with some slightly grubby looking padded bandage which they cut to size with shears and wrapped around my finger with Duck Tape.

Duck Tape - the only tool you ever need.
My daughter reckons her cat would be 'borrowing' her phone to order salmon and tuna if she had opposable thumbs. I reckon that’s probably something you could manage without them, so warned her not to let the cat see her passcode…
Sorry about your poor thumb, hope it heals quickly.
Once woke up in the middle of the night to find the TV on and the cats had gone online and nearly ordered pizza. (Found them arguing about who's treat allowance was paying for it)
True story (except for the treat allowance)
Did that years ago to the top of my thumb near the knuckle, tearing a 10 or 12mm U shaped flap of skin tissue. On a moving joint. Washing a wine glass I didn’t know had a broken chunk out of it. I pushed the tissue back in place & electrical taped some bog roll over it (sort of round the top of my thumb & knuckles.) as a quick fix before going to work. Had to keep changing the bandage. (Keeping the tape on me.) blood over everything. Still got slight scar tissue where it grafted back?
Saw my sister do something similar as kids with a carving knife and coconut. To this day can't even smell coconut without being very ill
Saw my sister do something similar as kids with a carving knife and coconut. To this day can't even smell coconut without being very ill
I tend to drain the milk first by drilling out two of the “eyes” first. Then either thwack it with a hammer on a wooden block/thick cutting board or dead drop it on the patio slabs!