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On the subject of salami.

Confusion has started.....has now spent two days in the kitchen cupboard and has already hit the target weight! I'll plough on regardless - it is off to the shed tomorrow.
Confusion has started.....has now spent two days in the kitchen cupboard and has already hit the target weight! I'll plough on regardless - it is off to the shed tomorrow.

Confusion has started.....has now spent two days in the kitchen cupboard and has already hit the target weight! I'll plough on regardless - it is off to the shed tomorrow.
Keep your bedroom door locked tonight ...

Its in the shed....

View attachment 33212

And it sort of looks like salami......
It's looking good so far. I am following this post with great interest. Hubby has always fancied trying his hand at home produced bacon, ham and other cured dried meats.
Encourage him!! Sadly there is nowhere round here where I could by the kit needed so went to Amazon. Sausage skins, sausage stuffer, and curing salt were needed. The curing salt contains sodium nitrate (E250) as a preservative and is used alongside ordinary salt. I know that the preservative has had a lot of bad press but as a beginner I thought the added protection outweighed the infinitesimal risk of it doing any harm.

I have a piece of pork belly in the freezer which I fancy turning into pancetta. My next project I think.
Encourage him!! Sadly, there is nowhere round here where I could by the kit needed, so went to Amazon. Sausage skins, sausage stuffer, and curing salt were needed. The curing salt contains sodium nitrate (E250) as a preservative and is used alongside ordinary salt. I know that the preservative has had a lot of bad press but as a beginner I thought the added protection outweighed the infinitesimal risk of it doing any harm.

I have a piece of pork belly in the freezer which I fancy turning into pancetta. My next project I think.
Have a look on You Tube for a channel called English Country Life. They are smallholders, but Hugh does a lot of videos on curing and smoking meat. Curing recipes included. Well worth watching.
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No weed - but perhaps I've overdosed on Christmas pudding :confused:
Was it very alcoholic? Or did you have some "interesting " foraged mushrooms? We ate some dried woodland mushrooms a few years ago. We both had some very vivid crazy dreams that night. Went back to Sainsbury's to see if they had any more. o_O😱:rofl::rofl:
No luck.....
Was it very alcoholic? Or did you have some "interesting " foraged mushrooms? We ate some dried woodland mushrooms a few years ago. We both had some very vivid crazy dreams that night. Went back to Sainsbury's to see if they had any more. o_O😱:rofl::rofl:
No luck.....
Well I poured quite a bit of brandy over it - but I think all the alcohol burnt off (together with my eyebrows) when I set it alight
Update....three weeks in the shed and now transferred to the kitchen cupboard.


As you can see half of one sausage has been consumed and i have not keeled over. No black mould or green mould but the beginnings of a coating of white mould.

I am declaring that I have made some preserved pork that is edible and not toxic and have therefore made salami. Is it good salami I hear you asking.

Well it is a bit coarse and under flavoured so not a world championship contender, but I am encouraged enough to try making more whilst leaving one of these to mature for longer.

PS...they are lying on my new bit of kit, a piece of seasoned oak board which turns out to be a better base than a plastic kitchen worktop when rolling filo pastry.
... my new bit of kit, a piece of seasoned oak board which turns out to be a better base than a plastic kitchen worktop
So many types of salami to emulate !!!

When I was involved with TAG UK (Traceability Action Group) in the wake of the BSE crisis, I met two quality controllers responsible for in-store hygiene in a large supermarket group. They had put their recently introduced hermetically sealed 'bug free' plastic butchers blocks under a microscope after use. They were amazed to see 'monsters' roaming around - never seen on their traditional wooden blocks.
Looks good, not hugely unlike the salami at Bury St Edmonds market referenced earlier in the thread but a bit more nobbily and perhaps either a bit higher fat content or larger lumps.
@Mark72 I am going to do some more tomorrow and getting a finer grind and is something I am going to concentrate on. Might also add some paprika.
@Mark72 I am going to do some more tomorrow and getting a finer grind and is something I am going to concentrate on. Might also add some paprika.

You’ll have your World Champion recipe perfected in no time!
You’ll have your World Champion recipe perfected in no time!
Bit of a problem with that. Takes a couple or three months for salami to curfe. Doing what I am doing, making some, seeing what it is like and using that information to adjust things for the next batch means that I can make about four batches a year. If it takes 40 batches to get anywhere near wowoing the local flower and produce show,then that will take 10 years. For some of you that might be no time at all, but can you see the problem with us wrinklies?
Bit of a problem with that. Takes a couple or three months for salami to curfe. Doing what I am doing, making some, seeing what it is like and using that information to adjust things for the next batch means that I can make about four batches a year. If it takes 40 batches to get anywhere near wowoing the local flower and produce show,then that will take 10 years. For some of you that might be no time at all, but can you see the problem with us wrinklies?

I have every confidence you'll have cracked it in another 2-3 batches. :D