Omnipod users, what BG meter do you use?

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What pump are you on @Pumper_Sue ?

From that document it looks as though I will get the Glucomen :(
What pump are you on @Pumper_Sue ?

From that document it looks as though I will get the Glucomen :(
I have a medtronic pump, but saying that I have always had the contour meters even before medtronic. So all you do is ask your nurse ever so nicely for the test strips for your new meter. 🙂
Thanks. I’ve been given the go-ahead, but delayed things by going to Spain for 6 weeks, oops. Watch this space! 😎
Do you know what choices you will have?
I have a medtronic pump, but saying that I have always had the contour meters even before medtronic. So all you do is ask your nurse ever so nicely for the test strips for your new meter. 🙂
I will ask her Sue... she's normally very reasonable.
Oh and @stephknits meant to say... I don’t carry a meter when out and about unless I am going out to eat. I too rely on the Libre2, but my current pump won’t accept manual BG input and I’m not that convinced the Libre is accurate enough to dose from. It’s going to be a whole new ballgame from tomorrow!
Best of luck with the training,I hope the change over to podding goes smoothly!
Thank you! Nervous yes! Changed my Combo for the last time this morning. I was quite sad. My 2 Combos have been faithful friends for the last 8 years!
Do you know what choices you will have?

I’ve been given a list, but so far the Pod is the front runner cos there’s no tubing and no disconnecting before swimming, showering, etc. But I need to have another look at the list and do the DTN pump modules again - refresh my memory...
I’ve been given a list, but so far the Pod is the front runner cos there’s no tubing and no disconnecting before swimming, showering, etc. But I need to have another look at the list and do the DTN pump modules again - refresh my memory...
Feel free to ask anything, I'm on my 2nd omnipod, so about 5 yrs in with it. X
I know I'm not a pump user but can vouch for the Contour Next One being a great wee meter, I applied for it due to it being small as I found my Expert a bit too bulky for my liking, I asked my DSN if the Contour Next strips were prescribed in the area and she told me not usually but it might be worth a call to the GP to ask, I didn't bother with the GP as would have waited ages to speak to one so just asked the health centre pharmacist and she changed my prescription to them straight away so if it's what you prefer it is worth the ask, good luck! xx
Oh and @stephknits meant to say... I don’t carry a meter when out and about unless I am going out to eat. I too rely on the Libre2, but my current pump won’t accept manual BG input and I’m not that convinced the Libre is accurate enough to dose from. It’s going to be a whole new ballgame from tomorrow!
mine would have been this morning 8.4 libre 6.1 metter. apartty dexcom is more acurtte but its hard to get
plus withh all the sesnor errors libre acutlly tells you to prick form
mine would have been this morning 8.4 libre 6.1 metter. apartty dexcom is more acurtte but its hard to get
I wouldn't bet on that.
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