Omnipod users, what BG meter do you use?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just wondering.... the PDM is another thing to carry around. At present I only have the handset to my combo pump as a BG meter and it's fairly bulky. I will need to get in touch with the nurse at the GPs surgery to get different strips, even if I buy a meter... so advice is welcome.
I obviously don’t use a pump but this question intrigues me. Does it not come with a meter then? You’d think they’d have one either integrated into the pdm or that wirelessly connects to the pdm, so that they could profit on the strips! I wouldn’t recommend the wavesense wireless meter, I love the miniscule size but it only works at temperatures of 18-20+ and I have to keep stuffing it inside my bra to get a reading.
No Lucy, it doesn't come with a meter nor does it appear to connect to any outside device. Of course I haven't done the training yet, so perhaps there's something recommended. Rumour has it they are working on an app for phones, but the nurse said "Don't hold your breath!"
No Lucy, it doesn't come with a meter nor does it appear to connect to any outside device. Of course I haven't done the training yet, so perhaps there's something recommended. Rumour has it they are working on an app for phones, but the nurse said "Don't hold your breath!"
My friend has an onipod and shes abble to use Freesytle lite with them
My friend has an onipod and shes abble to use Freesytle lite with them
This will be the older PDM,the newer Dash one is basically a mobile phone therefore doesn't have the port to test your blood sugar.
Hi, confession time, I don't tend to bother carrying around a meter. I am lucky enough to have libre 2 and for me it is quite accurate, so I just go by that.
When you do your training, your DSN should provide you with a meter. I would make sure it can also do ketones, otherwise you will have to have a separate one for that as well.
This will be the older PDM,the newer Dash one is basically a mobile phone therefore doesn't have the port to test your blood sugar.
Oh right
Hi, confession time, I don't tend to bother carrying around a meter. I am lucky enough to have libre 2 and for me it is quite accurate, so I just go by that.
When you do your training, your DSN should provide you with a meter. I would make sure it can also do ketones, otherwise you will have to have a separate one for that as well.
What about when you go low or high?
What about when you go low or high?
I dont tend to find my libre much different from a meter - within the margins of error. If low,I take into account the delay for the libre.
I do have a meter, just generally forget to shove it in my bag. I totally getters is terrible practice, and am of course not suggesting anyone else is so lax!
Hi, confession time, I don't tend to bother carrying around a meter. I am lucky enough to have libre 2 and for me it is quite accurate, so I just go by that.
When you do your training, your DSN should provide you with a meter. I would make sure it can also do ketones, otherwise you will have to have a separate one for that as well.
No meter has been mentioned. Perhaps she assumes I have one, but I only have the handset to my pump + the Libre reader, which would suffice and also reads ketone strips, providing I can get the appropriate BG test strips. I saw a video, albeit US based, where a small Contour next meter came with the pump.

I am doing the training tomorrow by video conference. So not getting anything then.
Oh and @stephknits meant to say... I don’t carry a meter when out and about unless I am going out to eat. I too rely on the Libre2, but my current pump won’t accept manual BG input and I’m not that convinced the Libre is accurate enough to dose from. It’s going to be a whole new ballgame from tomorrow!
I'm a bad boy too. I rely on the Dexcom G6. I have a Contour meter for occasional cross-checks on the G6, but they are almost invariably well within the margin of error of each other.

I think you can get a Contour meter for free. Worth checking their website. Alternatively, I was given a Freestyle Optium ketone meter when I got my first pump, and this doubles up as a BG meter with the appropriate strips.
Yes, I can get a Contour free, thanks for the info @m1dnc. Looks nice and small. Just depends on what strips the GP is willing to prescribe. Will try to find out tomorrow.
I couldn't get Contour Next strips prescribed. I am stuck with Caresens.
My testing kit and Libre goes everywhere with me.
I am happy to bolus from the Libre once I have checked the sensor is reasonably accurate and consistent and then I just do an occasional double check throughout it's lifetime when levels are stable.
Good luck with your training tomorrow..... Presumably you will be fitting it and going live with it during the training. Did you get the Dash?
I couldn't get Contour Next strips prescribed. I am stuck with Caresens.
I expect because 50 strips cost the NHS £9.95 (according to the British National Formulary) as opposed to some that cost over £16. The ones I currently use are Accuchek Aviva @ £16.21 - no arguments have been raised there as they were the ones I needed for my Combo pump - but who knows what I might be able to get now.
Omnipod user using DASH device, just use freestyle libre 2 meter for bg testing.
Those strips are £16.30, so they may argue there... though I suppose I have an argument in as much as the meter also reads the Freestyle Optium ketone strips (£19.99 per 10) which I am issued with. I note my ketone strips expired on 31 Dec 2020... ooops!

I think I will just have to ask my nurse at the GPs, who I am at least on very good terms with and who has been with me since diagnosis. At least she knows I don't waste them.
I expect because 50 strips cost the NHS £9.95 (according to the British National Formulary) as opposed to some that cost over £16. The ones I currently use are Accuchek Aviva @ £16.21 - no arguments have been raised there as they were the ones I needed for my Combo pump - but who knows what I might be able to get now.

Those strips are £16.30, so they may argue there... though I suppose I have an argument in as much as the meter also reads the Freestyle Optium ketone strips (£19.99 per 10) which I am issued with. I note my ketone strips expired on 31 Dec 2020... ooops!

I think I will just have to ask my nurse at the GPs, who I am at least on very good terms with and who has been with me since diagnosis. At least she knows I don't waste them.

Only 9p difference to your current meter, cant see that been issue. Besides, with libre 2 you'll find you dont use many strips, own experience anyway.
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