Omnipod anyone?

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Im a bit worried that Ill like it that much hwoever wont be able to get funding for it!

That's the problem Ben, very few pct's will fund the pod due to the cost.
The pods costs work out at about double compared to a tubed pump over a 4 year period.
That's the problem Ben, very few pct's will fund the pod due to the cost.
The pods costs work out at about double compared to a tubed pump over a 4 year period.

Has it ever been known to do some kind of part funding arrngment? Where you fund some of it yourself, and then funding you may or may not be entitled too could be discounted?

I think i need to do some research first! And put together one of my essays!
Would be worth speaking to other pod pumpers Ben, to see what (if any) hoops they had to jump through to get funding agreed. And possibly also getting in contact with the manufacturers ypsomed to see if they have any tips (they must come up against this all the time), and possibly pick the brains of Lesley at INPUT who is a great help in getting people through funding 'challenges'

This thread old thread has some extra info in it which might helkp you get your head around the funding differences:

Good luck with it!
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I'm due to have an appt with my DSN next week (if and when she emails me the appt date options through!) so am going to ask her where Surrey and Sussex PCT funds Omnipods. I have a sneaky suspicion (from a vague memory when i was got hooked up in 2009) they only do Roche though....might have changed. who knows - I can but ask.....
I'm due to have an appt with my DSN next week (if and when she emails me the appt date options through!) so am going to ask her where Surrey and Sussex PCT funds Omnipods. I have a sneaky suspicion (from a vague memory when i was got hooked up in 2009) they only do Roche though....might have changed. who knows - I can but ask.....

These might be worth a read -

and this older one...

Thanks Mike, I was just about to dig out those posts!

Whenever I've spoken to people about Omipod funding the issue has always been about being able to demonstrate an additional benefit over tubed pumps that justifies the extra cost. I'd definintely contact the supplier, they weren't that helpful last time I spoke to someone who tried that, but that was a while ago so worth another try.
Thanks Mike - really helpful. The older link suggests that 2 years ago East Surrey (my hospital) were doing the omnipods - so will definitely bring this up with the DSN.
Good luck Dory, I hope it works out for you. It seems really unfair the way some pcts will fund things that other won't. To be honest I don't know what the policy re omnipod funding for adults is in my area. I suspect the fact that Hannah was under 12 at diagnosis may have made a difference. They are expensive as the pods cost ?20 each apparently, but I was told that the pct pay nothing like that with the deal that is done with them. All the used pods are sent back to be recycled and I would imagine a lot of it is reusable which makes me feel a bit better on the environment front! I also think that now that the omnipod is licensed for use in the uk there will be many more companies coming up with their own version and the competition can only be good for the users in terms of cost and always improving design and technology!🙂
Good luck Dory, I hope it works out for you. It seems really unfair the way some pcts will fund things that other won't. To be honest I don't know what the policy re omnipod funding for adults is in my area. I suspect the fact that Hannah was under 12 at diagnosis may have made a difference. They are expensive as the pods cost ?20 each apparently, but I was told that the pct pay nothing like that with the deal that is done with them. All the used pods are sent back to be recycled and I would imagine a lot of it is reusable which makes me feel a bit better on the environment front! I also think that now that the omnipod is licensed for use in the uk there will be many more companies coming up with their own version and the competition can only be good for the users in terms of cost and always improving design and technology!🙂

Can the Omni pod do all the magic things other pumps can, such as dual waves etc?
Can the Omni pod do all the magic things other pumps can, such as dual waves etc?

Yes :D: Depending on how sensitive to insulin you are I would check on the lowest rate the basal can be set at.
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