OMG blood boiling!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all.... found this thread on the DUK group on facebook and got my blood boiling....arrrggghhhhh IGNORANCEEEEE!!!

PB my misses has been type 1 for 29 yrs, she never saw a diabetic spec for 12 years, she never checks her blood sugars but she has hba1c of 7.2 has no complications, we think that some of you are way to neuerotic & take it to extremes. It is a condition that does not have to rule your life.
Saturday at 19:48 ? Comment ? Like ? Flag
2 people like this.

SB OMG P, for a moment i thought that you were my husband posting!!! i skipped the specialists for about 12 years too! Glad to hear that your wife is doing well 🙂
Saturday at 20:32 ? Flag

MG Your wife is very lucky unlike me who 6 weeks after diagnosis was left completely crippled by nueropothy and within 2 months could not see due cataraacts. I have had 5 years of hell so i think i have every right to moan every now and again. I have only progressed through my sheer determination to walk and live as normal a life as possible. Some of us a fighting bloody hard on a daily basis
Saturday at 22:11 ? Flag

ACn We all have a common issue which is unfortunate, but fact. It's upsetting that some of us fair worse than others. Having said this, Diabetes aside, we all have different genetic makeup that will react in its own, very autonomous way. The fittest people in the world sometimes fall foul of the most tragic circumstance. You can have the best diabetes ...
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Saturday at 22:39 ? Flag

AW ur wife is one of the lucky ones my daughter was diagnosed 3 years ago and was admitted 2 hospital earlier 2day in dka its her third admission for this in 3 years her keytones were 5.8 so just b grateful ur wife has managed 2 keep good control all these yrs as i wouldnt wish the worry im goin through on anyone
Saturday at 22:56 ? Flag

LG clearly you don't need to be on here then as everything is so perfect with her diabetes? us poor neuerotic people need other like minded people to talk to when everything is hard, or we just need a good moan. if that bothers you maybe you should go and boast somewhere else.
Saturday at 23:10 ? Flag

MG I hope your daughter will be alright Angela you must be worried sick, carry on being strong. Thinking of you x
Saturday at 23:11 ? Flag

AM i think it's easy to say other people are 'way too neurotic', but in my experience your wife is the exception to the rule. I've been lucky that I've had it 23 years and only have mild retinopathy, but the people i know who don't go to the specialist are in some serious trouble, as with some of the people who've commented here even though they have...
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Saturday at 23:12 ? Flag

CS how bloody irresponsible to post that here where some people are insecure and vulnerable about the best thing to do. i'm really glad her hba1c is only just above range and she had no long term damage, but maybe you should consider that people die from diabetes and more suffer the complications. i have never allowed diabetes to stop me from doing ...
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Yesterday at 00:14 ? Flag

AS Mate you got to realise not every diabetic is as lucky as that. Ive had diabetes for 21 years and just in the last 2 years finally i have got my hba1c to a reasonable level and my diabetes is much better controlled but before this i never done hardly any blood sugar testing and its paid its price ive had 3 eye surgerys taking tablets for kidneys ...
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Yesterday at 00:53 ? Flag

AP well your wife has been a very lucky person i am a type 1 diabetic that has had frequent complications with my diabeties that has not been my fault i dont try let it rule my life but it seems to as i have frequent high levels n now have alot of complications with retonopothy etc i have had it 14 yrs n now 28 and i have been in hospital 14 times ...
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Yesterday at 00:55 ? Flag

AM I logged on especially this morning to see what other people had written because your comment about being neurotic and taking it to extremes annoyed me so much. I'm glad your wife is doing well and long may it continue. But I think from the comments on here it's you need to have a little compassion and empathy for people who weren't as lucky as your wife. And for the people who have complications or don't want to get them - I say keep being neurotic and taking it to extremes!
Yesterday at 11:13 ? Flag

RC what some people will say to wind up others! No profile pic and hardly any friends mmmm! Glad your wife is well Phillip and hope you dont ever end up eating your words 🙂
Yesterday at 12:58 ? Flag

AE What an arrogant insensative attitude!!! Before adopting such an ignorant opinion, maybee you should talk to some
people who have lost fingers,toes and legs etc, not to mention going blind or dying due to Diabetes.
REMEMBER, before engaging your mouth, SELECT BRAIN !!!
Yesterday at 13:02 ? Flag

BW Have to say I agree with u Alan nd Rhian. Yes I am one of those ones who has NO CHOICE but to be neuerotic. I want to see my daughters walk down the aisle and live as long as I can. I think infact not visiting a diabetes specialist for 12 years is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO BE PROUD OF.
Yesterday at 13:09 ? Flag

CB orf wiv is ed
Yesterday at 13:36 ? Flag

CB I am like MB's wife, i find it easy to control however my buddy had far lower HBA1c at the onset than I did but to keep it undercontrol is a daily burden and NOOOO buddy he does not feel sorry for himself either
Yesterday at 13:47 ? Flag

S-AE Medium I too dont think its being neurotic, its called taking care of your health. I check mine all the while purely because I am learning and especially when I introduce foods I am not sure about. I would hate to be type 1 and know that if I do not take care NOW I could end up injecting one day. Had I not checked my levels last week I would not have ...
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Yesterday at 17:05 ? Flag

RB I am not a diabetic but am a university student just completed a research project in diabetes and I also work with patients who have diabetes (type 1 and 2), and I think that the original comment posted on here was a little insensitive towards people who are really struggling with their diabetes. Your wife is very lucky not to have any "diabetic episodes" or any complications, however many people on this site are not in this fortunate situation.
Yesterday at 18:03 ? Flag

SD i'm glad to hear your wife has had many uneventfull problems with her diabetes, unlike some that do have to try extremely hard to keep their bms under control,but as this site is here for advice etc with people who share this condition. Just remind yourself that not everyone is as "lucky"not to have any complications and take this condition seriously!!
Yesterday at 18:21 ? Flag

BG Makes me wonder if P is a troll and looking for reactions as he hasn't replied to anyone's posts...Maybe best to ignore this post until he responds
Yesterday at 18:42 ? Flag

BW Me thinks he is not going to read them, are you P.
Yesterday at 18:59 ? Flag

LG me thinks P is an a**ehole.
Yesterday at 19:15 ? Flag

MWS How does she know her hba1c is 7.2 if she doesn't see the specialist?????
Yesterday at 19:17 ? Flag

KJW What an actuall ass!.. If youre wife is so perfect why are you even here?? this page is blatently for us people who would like advice and help from others.. or even just to chat to people who're likely to understand when diabetes affects us emotionally.. obviously you nor your wife experience any kind of emotion!.. Very heartless i must say
Yesterday at 20:16 ? Flag

KR Agree with lucy, P ur a t**t!!! If ur wife is soo perfect y u on this site then? We dont need insensative idiots like u on here! Can idiots like that not be banned from here!!!!
Yesterday at 20:34 ? Flag

BW OOps P I dont think your friends list is going to get any higher than 7 from this facebook page. Any regrets?
Yesterday at 21:25 ? Flag

MG Go on P, are you a man or mouse?
Yesterday at 21:51 ? Flag

HDQ Truly insensitive
With no regard for others
Audaciously arrogant
That's you AND your wife...
Yesterday at 22:11 ? Flag

LG haaaaa! i love M's comment! i never thought of that! obviously he is not only an a**ehole but a lying a**ehole!
Yesterday at 23:07 ? Flag

AlE Oh dear me, I initially critised this guys attitude as arrogant
and insensative, not to mention ignorant. after reading
through the latest ones, I'm almost beggining to feel sorry
for him! lol, however IMO he has brought it all on himself.If
he showed a little empathy and tollerance to others----...
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7 hours ago ? Flag

SB CircleD-rocks Blimey P....not sure you should judge on something you do not even have your self...your wife is a minority...for sure...and I think you need to respect that us 'so called neurotics' actually do have feelings...diabetes is a 24/7 condition and for so many a daily struggle and royal pain in the arse!!! That's why we come here to support and give advice to each other....your comments are NOT welcome and not very nice!
12 minutes ago ?

LM P you a narrow minded individual!!!! I have been diabetic 22 years and if it was not with the help of my paed consultant when I was 14 I would not be here now!! I was in DKA dont know wot levels were but I do know that I was royal blue in colour by time I got to hospital then everything went Bright white and I saw the ligh at the end of the ...
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7 minutes ago ? Flag
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what a total 'word I couldn't poss write on here' huh!?!?!?!??!

All I can say is 😡😡😡😡

Maybe if he had it he wouldn't think his wife is doing such a good job and he wouldn't post such an insenstive comment
I must admit, i found i had better control when i only saw the specialist once every 6 months.
But i still had my eyes checked, ect.
Yes be proud that you can keep your diabetes well controlled, but you shouldnt rub it in others faces if they arent doing too well.

exactly...its just such a spiteful statement....altho I guess it could be a fake to get ppl talking??? x
Eurgh, if her control is as good as they say then it's good for her. Please don't let them push that in the face of others who don't do aswell! If he understood the risks that she's running by not seeing a specialist and that well, need I say any more?
I suspect that, like a few have said on the thread, this person is a troll and just trying to goad reactions from people. Unfortunately, the internet is full of them and really the best thing is to ignore people making inflammatory statements. Our guidelines here say that you should show respect to the other members - sneering and goading is not tolerated.
exactly...its just such a spiteful statement....altho I guess it could be a fake to get ppl talking??? x

If so, then it's a very cruel and unnecessary method of getting a discussion going. A bit like a nurse saying that injecting in public is disgusting.... 😱
yeah, I have a hard time believing this guy to be honest, 29yrs is a long time without any complications, nevermind not seeing a specialist for 12 of them :confused:

And even if it were true, I dare say that his misses will not be long in getting some complications given the fact she never checks her blood sugar!🙄
whatever the point of it was...I think it's wrong and disgusting.....and has offended so many people! x
If this guy's wife really doesn't test her BG's then how can she know what adjustments to make to her insulin for meals exercise etc?

I think this guy is just a fake trying to wind people up. I'd like to go flush his head down the loo with the rest of the S**t he's been saying.
If this guy's wife really doesn't test her BG's then how can she know what adjustments to make to her insulin for meals exercise etc?

Indeed - and has she never been ill during the last 12 years? Blood sugar haywire, ketones, possible DKA if you don't keep on top of it? Plus, as someone asks, how does he know what her HbA1c is if she's not been to clinic for 12 years - is it from 12 years ago?🙄
I think this guy made up that story just to be an annoying w**k*r, he thinks that kinda stuff is funny and is just trying to rub people up the wrong way...

you'll probably find its either a 14-15 kid that came across the site and thought i know i'll post some crap from laughs or it's a loner with some serious people issues. GET A LIFE!

either way it shouldnb't be taken serious coz its a load of old tosh!

We ALL know the story with the D or at least our own stories and i think his wife's story is too good to be true, so in that case it FAKE!


And even if it isn't fake, he should shut the hell up coz saying crap like that doesn't help anyone, certainly not my blood pressure!

🙂 xxxx
Ugh what a crap comment. My Surname is Bates but this for sure is nothing to do with me🙂

Dragging my family name through the mud, I'll send the boys out.
I'd commented that thought he was a troll. He hasn't responded back to anyone. Idiot!
I'd commented that thought he was a troll. He hasn't responded back to anyone. Idiot!

Thats coz if he isn't a fraud then he's a coward and he know if he replies to anyone he will get bombarded with profanities

i like one comment a girl made on there:

MWS How does she know her hba1c is 7.2 if she doesn't see the specialist?????

hahaha! LOSER!!!
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I've just edited Shelb's original post to remove full names, leaving just initials, of all those on the Facebook thread. It's good to hear from other sources, but I feel that identities should be hidden.
I've just edited Shelb's original post to remove full names, leaving just initials, of all those on the Facebook thread. It's good to hear from other sources, but I feel that identities should be hidden.

opps sorry x
I've just edited Shelb's original post to remove full names, leaving just initials, of all those on the Facebook thread. It's good to hear from other sources, but I feel that identities should be hidden.

oops apologies for that copecod, didn't think...😱 x
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