Old hand but new here

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Evening everybody
My name is Brian, Type 1 diabetic.
Medtronic 640g insulin pumper, previously on Lantus, then Levemir, and always Novorapid.
Very active on the DOC but new to this forum.
I am involved in arranging and running the T1D London meetups group on Facebook.
Also run my own website for PWD.
Nice to meet you all on here.
Hello Brian and welcome to the forum 🙂. Excuse my ignorance, but can you explain what the DOC and PWD are?

We too are having a meet up in a London in November, it would be great if you could make it.
Hi, thanks for the reply
DOC is diabetic online community and PWD is people with diabetes
Is your meetup on 9th November??
Ahh, obvious really! Yes, I believe so, dates are in events section. I am hoping to go.
Ahh, obvious really! Yes, I believe so, dates are in events section. I am hoping to go.
Unfortunately that is my birthday and my pump start day, so won't be able to make that one I'm afraid.
The T1D London meetups group event is on Saturday 26th November if anybody is interested
Warm welcome Brian
Hi Brian, welcome to the forum 🙂 Good luck with the meets, it's good to meet with fellow Ds 🙂
Hi Brian, welcome to the forum 🙂 Good luck with the meets, it's good to meet with fellow Ds 🙂
The meetups are great, it is by far the biggest positive I draw from having type one.
Hi Brian and welcome to the forum.
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