Off to the GP tomorrow...

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Another good luck from me 🙂
Good luck with the GP. I hope all works out well for you.
Tom - I hope GP visit went well

I think you were very brave and honest in your post last night, as a lot pf people would not the full extent of your recent history.

I have been on Citalopram since my Mam died and am now in the process of reducing the dosage with a view to stopping altogether.

With help from the medics, Shiv, your family, and your many friends here, you will begin to feel much more positive

I wish you all the best Tom
Sorry to hear that you've been having such an awful time. I hope that the appointment with your GP went well.
And the results are in!

Ok, so I did rock up today for the appointment. I did the same questionnaire again and my score was much the same as last time apparently. The doctor said that it wasn't abnormal to be feeling as I was and pointed out that his Father had also died. Cue play the matcho card of being able to take anything.

I suppose that I didn't really get it all out at the appointment and did my usual thing of glossing over the cracks. I was expecting to come out with a repeat script for anti depressants but somehow I didn't really put it across as to how I really am at the moment. Typical of me really.
Sounds a bit like one of the docs at my practice, whatever you're going through - he has too. Poor you, doesn't sound like you feel that it went very well. I think we are all good at papering over the cracks in there and then coming out and howling (in my case!) Thinking of you.x
Tom, if there is another GP at the practice then you could ask to see them. Keeping a 'stiff upper lip' is so outdated and really is a stupid thing for a GP to say to a young man like you. Why would he mention his fathers death when the appointment was about you and how your father died - you cant compare one persons experience to another.😱 Of course you didnt want to open up to him - and if he was a good GP he would have realised this and perhaps asked if you would like some counselling or similar. Why dont you get in touch with your team and ask to see the physchologist who may be more help.🙂Bev
I'm going to be seeing another GP some time this week. I have been referred to the mental health team to join the ranks of the head cases that roam Brighton!
I am caught between two worlds, that of my Grand Parents who played one hell of a part in my life so that's something that's pulling on me. Then there's the much more open world that I'm from. Torn between two ways that there are of doing things, says a fair bit about me.

Tom that is exactly the problem. You have tried to please EVERYONE since your Dad died.

But, you need to start looking after youself Tom. Start writing down how you feel, then try another visit to the GP and use the written document as a tool. be extremely honest as to how you feel, who you love, who you hate, who you are angry at and why.

Please don't let this GP put you off, you need to persue this.

I wish you well
I'm going to be seeing another GP some time this week. I have been referred to the mental health team to join the ranks of the head cases that roam Brighton!
I am caught between two worlds, that of my Grand Parents who played one hell of a part in my life so that's something that's pulling on me. Then there's the much more open world that I'm from. Torn between two ways that there are of doing things, says a fair bit about me.


Tom, you just need to be *you* - you cant live up to anyones expectations and if you are living by those rules then you will never fully be yourself. Stop trying to please people and find out what *you* need rather than what is *expected* of you. You are lovely Tom and I know you will be fine - just try to let the barriers down a bit - there is no shame in being vulnerable - it makes you more of a man if you are. If you dont tell people how you really feel then they cant help you.🙂Bev
Hi Tom I have posted this link before - but it may be helpful

There is a questionnaire on there probably like the one you did - but you can repeat it when you want, it might help you to see if things are improving.

A journal of how you are feeling is a good idea. I know when I had problems I was writing all I was feeling - then after a few months - when I thought I was no better I could look back at what I had written and see that I had moved forward.

It's hard with Drs and the more intelligent you are the easier you find it to hide things for brief periods - then it catches up with you later.

I hope that you find some help soon
I'm sorry you didn't get out of your appointment as much as you hoped. I don't know how you would feel about asking to try antidepressants, but I think it would be ok to ask for them rather than see if they offer them.

In the past I found therapy very useful, so i hope you don't have to wait too long for your assessment and possible treatment.

I hope you start to feel a little brighter soon
Hi Tom, I am sorry you didnt get any help from your gp today. I hope you manage to get help from the different gp on friday. Thinking of you xx
We're going to see a different GP on Friday and see what s/he can do 🙂

I hope that works out better for you, both. 🙂

Tom its great you have good support.
Hi Tom, really sorry you have had a terrible year...wishing you all the best. Time is a great healer they say, so just take each day as it comes.
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