Off to the GP tomorrow...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I'm off to the general prat tomorrow to have a good old chat. Given what's happened over the past eight or so months I've had one hell of alot to deal with given Dad's suicide and university related issues. I've been referred to the head shrinkers somewhere in Brighton. However, that isn't enough. The past two weeks have been really bad. It was seven months since Dad killed himself on Monday of this week and two days later I lost my job for the second time. My other half has said she hasn't seen me this low ever. Something tells me that when the GP goes through their mental health score cards with me or whatever it was I did to get referred to the shrinks the results will be worse than last time. Then I was only a single point from being put on anti depressants. Something tells me that I'll be put on them this time. It's a fate to which I have resigned myself. I suppose I'm just scared stiff of them and what they'll do to me. The biggest fear I have is that they'll just zombify me and turn me into a drooling, window licking wreck. God knows what they'll do to the D whilst I'm on them but I need something to help me refuel myself. Although I hate putting things off I can't be going on like I am.

Really hope whatever you both decide mutually is best for you. I hope you have a good GP and get the support you need.

Good luck x
Hi Tom, sorry to hear that you are feeling so low. Wait and see what the doctor says, but I think we have several people here that have taken (or are taking) anti-d's so perhaps if you are given them then people should be able to tell you what to expect. Hoping you don't need them, but there are many different types that have different effects so your image of them is probably thankfully far from reality.
Tom if you find that the meds turn you into a zombie you just ask for them to be changed, that's what my other half did when that happened to her. You might have to try a few before you find one that suits you. I have been on four lots the citalopram worked fine for about 3 years and then stopped being effective, so I was changed to a different type of it but that didn't work and now I am on venlafaxine and they work fine for me.. you will still get low days but you are able to cope with them better. Good luck for tomorrow.
...fear I have is that they'll just zombify me and turn me into a drooling, window licking wreck. God knows what they'll do to the D whilst I'm on them but I need something to help me refuel myself. Although I hate putting things off I can't be going on like I am.


Hi Tom,

You've had an awful year, and I think it would be surprising if you didn't feel low...and maybe it would be a good thing to accept antidepressants if the doc's feel it would help?... I can relate to your concerns, as when I had severe post natal depression after my first child, I shared your fears - I was also worried I'd be labelled a failure & a bad mum. Actually, in the event the tablets (citalopram) just helped give me the little support I needed to keep me going & functioning until I could process everything (lots of old baggage to deal with) & get better. I don't remember there being any effects on the D, but my control wasn't brilliant at that time anyway for a variety of reasons. I wasn't suddenly happy when on the tablets, I was still fairly down most of the time, but at least I was stable & (to quote hubby) 'not bursting into tears all the time'! I'm assured I wasn't drooling or licking windows either. 😉 Actually, when I look back I wish I had asked for help a lot earlier. I was worried about coming off them, but in the event it was a gradual weaning & went fine. I think if the doctors suggest that antidepressants might just help you at this point, then it would be worth giving them a try...sometimes we need a bit of a hand, whether that's medically or otherwise.

Thinking of you,

Twitchy xx
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Tom you have had one heck of a year hun for one so young, after meeting you now twice i can see straight away your a genuinly lovely guy who is very strong, you have a lovely family and now a great other half all whom will look after you very well.Anti depressents are nothing to be ashamed of i have not been on and off them since the death of my mother like squidge for me i needed them tweaking at times they get alot of critism and people have a lot of pre conceived ideas about AD's bit they dont all turn you into a quivering zombie, hope the appointment goes well Tom good luck x
Good luck with the appointment
Hi Tom, I am on Prozac at the moment, and have been in the past too. I don't find that it makes me a zombie at all. It helps me sleep as it is also a treatment for anxiety, and makes it easier to cope with things.

The main side effect I have is having a dry mouth. To begin with this made me think I was hyper all the time but I have got used to it now.

I hope you dont need anything, but if you do it is not anything to be worried about. Have you seen the head docs yet? What do they think about it?

Take Care of yourself

Hope the GP can help you Tom - you have been through some rubbish this year and if you need help then dont put it off - there is no shame in asking for help.🙂Bev x
Tom, I had no idea what a horrible year you have had. I sincerely hope that you get some good help and advice and reassurance from the general prat tomorrow. Don't be afraid of anti-depressants, mine have recently been increased as I'm not faring too well. You deserve some good help, wishing you well with your appointment.xx
Thinking of you Tom xx
Hi Tom

I'm sorry you are going through such a bad time, I think anyone would with what you have had happen and good on you for actually doing something about.

You know where I am and you are very welcome (with Shiv or without Shiv if she is busy).

Let us know how it goes tomorrow and look after yourself. I think you are a fabulous young chap and I know the kids loved you at FFL, you were really good with them xx
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Hope today goes okay Tom, I've know a couple of mates on prozac but can't really comment on how it affetced them, I just hope you get some way to getting back to yourself in the near future.

Take care,

good luck Tom x ive been on sertraline (as prozac didnt really work for me ...)and i have been for 12/13 years im sure it will help xxx big hugs 🙂
Bad things never seem to come singly and it must be very difficult to remain positive but when you get to a really low stage the only way is up. You and Shiv are a great team and it was good to meet you on Sat. Will be thinking of you tomorrow.

I'm off to the general prat tomorrow to have a good old chat. Given what's happened over the past eight or so months I've had one hell of alot to deal with given Dad's suicide and university related issues. I've been referred to the head shrinkers somewhere in Brighton. However, that isn't enough. The past two weeks have been really bad. It was seven months since Dad killed himself on Monday of this week and two days later I lost my job for the second time. My other half has said she hasn't seen me this low ever. Something tells me that when the GP goes through their mental health score cards with me or whatever it was I did to get referred to the shrinks the results will be worse than last time. Then I was only a single point from being put on anti depressants. Something tells me that I'll be put on them this time. It's a fate to which I have resigned myself. I suppose I'm just scared stiff of them and what they'll do to me. The biggest fear I have is that they'll just zombify me and turn me into a drooling, window licking wreck. God knows what they'll do to the D whilst I'm on them but I need something to help me refuel myself. Although I hate putting things off I can't be going on like I am.

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Just wishing you luck with the gp, cant add to all the good advice thats been said.

But thinking of you, xx
Just wanted to wish you good luck for today. Anti ds are nothing to be scared of im on them and they have worked wonders for me. You are a really nice bloke and it was great to meet you Saturday.
Good luck
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