Odd looking poo

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Ok, lots of questions in this post!

Too much insulin for carbs will cause you blood sugar to drop, which could, if not treated, lead to unconcousness and so forth.
You should have rapid acting sugars, eg jelly babies, at hand, at all times.
And test before driving, if you drive.
How are you monitoring your blood sugars?

Insulin does not change your poo. Change of diet can. I'm not sure that any tests would be needed as you have a reason for the change in your poo.

Why do you think its linked to your liver?

I'd be more concerned about your blood sugar levels than your poo myself
Also, your levels were high for a type 2. Have they done any tests to rule out type 1? Have you had any unexplained weight loss? History of autoimmune diseases yourself or in the family?
I am wondering if the OP might be Type 3c rather than Type 1 or Type 2. If there was a sudden DKA and now on insulin it could be an issue with the pancreas which can also cause the yellowish (caramel coloured) faeces due to a deficiency of digestive enzymes. On another thread I suggested a Faecal Elastase test might be appropriate on a poop sample to test for PEI.(Pancreatic Exocrine Insufficiency).
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