The Glucose Goddess is very marmite. Many people have criticised her comments, and I think she’s very overhyped personally.
Spikes are normal in people without diabetes. Blood glucose moves up and down within the normal range. Only going up 1.6mmol would be ridiculous. I’ve measured friends’ blood sugars and they most definitely go up more than 1.6! None of them have diabetes.
I suggest reading from less….extreme? obsessed?…..sources.
Yes that is something I'm noticing, some of her videos are a bit showy and then at the other end of the scale you've got NHS doctors who almost send you to sleep (I won't mention any names)
As a matter of fact one of the triggers for me acting now and getting a CGM was her 'Eat Smart' on C4. I would have acted eventually as I was concerned about my glucose anyway (my local GP surgery don't seem too bothered) but it motivated me. My mother was type 2 and it caused her no end of problems at the end of her life and I don't want that for myself.