Now what..

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Off to see my nurse again tomorrow. And ive been fine all month really since my initial meeting with her a month ago but a few days ago i noticed little bits of what look like white strands in my wee, Now im terrified im dying and to be honset ive been working away alot eating health and stuff and lost a bit more weight, I have had a few beers over the month and some wine.. But im so misrable tonight im just convinced im dying and that it for me im so unhappy and its really effecting my relationship as all i can think of is my health and im gonna be dead soon and not see my kids grow up...

Hi Mark.

Don't panic. It could be as simple as a UTI (urinary tract infection), which aren't pleasant but are easily treated with anti-biotics if I'm right in remembering.

It could also be thrush, which guys can get as well. That's also quite a common occurance in people with D. It's to do with sugars passing through your urine, or if you were taking some antibiotics or similar, it can be to do with that.

Now, I'm not a medical professional in any sense of the word, but before you worry too much, there are any number of easily treated things that this could be. Talk to your nurse about it, and put your mind at rest.

And well done for doing so well on modifying your eating, because that really isn't easy! 🙂
Oh sweetie :( Could just be a urinary infection, do you have any pain when you pee? You tell the nurse and she will hopefully re-assure you. Be honest with her about the other stuff as well.

You have to be the big man and show your kids how to deal with problems like this, not hiding away from it... facing it straight on and doing your best to get it under control. We all have bad times and good times, I'm sure your good times are on the way.

You take care x
Well I'm on blood pressure medication now one tablet a day
I did have a uti at the end of last month. To be honest I was passing
water alot yesterday but not as bad today. I can honestly say
it's really depressing me having diabetes now and it is really getting
to me that bad I can hardly function in that full of fear. I do
have a niggly pain in my side but all I think is that's it my kidneys
and liver are packing in I'll be dead in a month or two and I also
think why have I got another problem with my water ?

All I keep thinking is that's it I'm dying and so depresses I can't even
be normal around my family anymore. It's torn my life in half all this.

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Do you take insulin Mark or diet controlled? When were you diagnosed? Tell us where you are in the process.
I was diagnosed a month ago and was told to do it by diet till my next review
I'm not on tablets or insulin at all yet!

it could be an infection when my sister had kidneystones for nearly 1 year on and off she had a lots of infection and one ended up in septicetmia the consultant did not spotted lots of antibiotics and she was allright ( i dont want to scare you )
Come on then Mark, you can hopefully control this for years and years without even having to take insulin. You will have to take control of it though and not let it control you. I was diagnosed at about the same time as you, I understand completely how scared you are. I am ok for days and then I have a complete panic! I am having to inject insulin and it's horrible but I'm using this as an opportunity to make some major changes. Already my kids are used to not having all the sugary snacks we did before, I haven't stopped them having everything but it is much more restrained and it feels good! Is your partner supporting you?

You are not dying as now you have been diagnosed and you can work on it, imagine if they hadn't diagnosed it, then that would be the death sentence. You should talk to the nurse about all this though, you might need help short term with depression.
Yeah I've read alot on the net and I
terrified never been so scared feels like it's all over for me
god it's horrible this feeling.

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My partner is supportive but I don't like stressing her out as she is due to have our son any time now and well I'm convinced I'm not gonna see him
even mate 1yrs old. And I keep getting mad as I think one day
my kids will have a step dad and I'll be in the ground with my mum
who I lost last year to Alzheimers. Just seems my life is falling to pieces

Mark you lost your Mum, you're having a baby any time and you get diagnosed with diabetes. That is a LOT to deal with! I promise you this isn't the life sentence you think it is, as long as you work at it. It's good to be scared of it, it makes it easier to change. I'm due my baby in 10 weeks, I haven't eaten a single bad thing since I was diagnosed, it's been easy as I'm so bloody scared of what I'm doing to the baby!

Please talk to the nurse tomorrow about all this, not just the diabetes. You might find it easier to deal with all this with some anti-depressants or similar in the short term.

Have you been checking your blood sugar levels at all? How's that going?
This is the thing she gave me nothing to check my blood sugar
and all I got told was keep a health diet. I've been doing that
but even doing that has been boring mainly been eating fruit
and fresh chicken wholemeal bread fish and things been drinking loads of water and like I said I've had the odd bottle of wine and things
but I'm missing having pizza and stuff and things like that now this has happened with my urine I just think I can't win.

I really don't know how you are supposed to control your levels without knowing what they are... I've been lucky, they throw boxes of the strips at me. I wonder if that'll stop after I have the baby though.

It's not like you can never have pizza again, and imagine how good it will taste when you do have it! I saw a thread about pizza in the recipe section... why don't you try making your own using wholewheat flour. You might find the baking therapeutic too 🙂

At the moment they won't even let me eat fruit, I am craving nectarines, so you go and enjoy a nice juicy nectarine for me :D
Mark you are doing all the right things, if the diabetes was seriously life threatening they wouldn't have told you diet only and left your next appointment for a months time...hold on to that thought! Have they done the blood tests to check on your liver and kidneys?

Urine infections are fairly common with diabetes also thrush...please be reassured when first being diagnosed they do test everything and then will monitor you, you are in safe hands.

This is a big thing to discover on top of everything else...Diabetes is not a death sentence if it is discovered...which is has been. You need to talk to the Doctor, they are used to this.

Please keep in touch
Part of what you are describing is adjusting to your diagnosis. You are on one level that you have developed diabetes and you are mourning the life you think you have lost. Add that to a recent bereavement and the baby on the way its all a bit much.

You need to give yourself time to adjust to what is happening. Write down the questions you want to ask your DSN or practice nurse. Ie How are you going to control your blood sugars, ask for a referral for eye screening etc. Is there a dietician associated with your GP's surgery who could help with your diet.

Don't beat yourself up for feeling overwhelmed, it hits us all from time to time even months and years after diagnosis. Just remember you are not alone in all this.

Good luck with the appointment
I hope that the meeting with the nurse went well today.

I also hope that you mentioned everything that is on your mind at the moment. If you didn't, then I think that you did yourself a disservice.

I know that things are difficult enough already for you, but if you don't confront and squash your fears, they will just fester and take over your life completely.

Hi all off to see the nurse at 9.15 and I will mention stuff to her today
i am having the eye screening done too. But I definatly will tell her how I'm feeling too. I also have a lot of pressure with my job and that's not helping
at a just want some normal life again rather than being. Paranoid mess
thanks again to you all.

Hi all off to see the nurse at 9.15 and I will mention stuff to her today
i am having the eye screening done too. But I definatly will tell her how I'm feeling too. I also have a lot of pressure with my job and that's not helping
at a just want some normal life again rather than being. Paranoid mess
thanks again to you all.


I thought that my other post may have been a little early! 🙄

Anyway, I hope the appointment GOES well!

Best wishes,

Andy 🙂
All the very best to you Mark. We all need as much help as we can get (if it's available) so grab it with both hands and make them work for you.

As Andy says, you need to be brave to push through it but all of us on here have survived, some through really bad times.

The important thing is. DON'T PANIC. And hurry up and tell us how you got on ! :D

Hi all went to see the nurse again today... She checked my urine sample and said it was all normal and my urine test previous was normal. I told her about the bits in my wee. It looked like what i can only explain as semen..(sorry)
But she said that can be quite common and was not concerned...

She also said if my kidneys were failing she would of known by both water tests i had..

I have also lost a further 1/2 stone too and my blood pressure has come down..
I also had my feet checked and she also said all fine too..

She told me to enjoy my life and try not getting as paranoid back at the end of the month for more blood tests and things.. Im assuming its routine.. But i feel alot better now i did tell her ive had 2 bottles of wine this month and a few takeaways and she said thats also ok as its not in excess.

I also asked if my weight loss was steady and sh replied yes as im eating alot healthier and cut down on alchohol a lot.
And also as ive been working alot with the band this month ive been excercising every day.. Not as busy this month with the band so its back to the gym for my excersise..

I want to thank you all for your help id be lost without this..

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