Now I Know I'm Going The Right Way!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hiya all

Thought you'd like to know, I've had my 2nd HbA1C and it came back as 5.6, same as the one I had in March. I'm really pleased as I felt that it may be higher as I'd had started to eat a few blocks of chocolate now and again but generally keeping my weight down, exercising regularly and it looks like my regime is keeping my Diabetes well in check!
hi there faceman nice to see you i see you have been a member since december 08 so i dont think most of us have said hello, so hi lol

pleased you had such a great hbA that is brilliant numbers also pleased all going in the right direction keep up the good work
P.S the few bits of choocie are ok as long as its in moderation i think we all have the odd choccie bar sometime or other

steff x
Great news. Obviously listening to the medics. So many folk just prepare for the test for a couple of months, then back to "anything goes".

Well done faceman
Yep, I have about two small chunks of chocolate at night after my meal but the last time I had a Mars bar or Twix has been since Decmber last year. I usually make a Dairy Milk bar last about a fortnight. Usually after I've eaten the chocolate I'll probably go about two or three weeks without buying a bar before having a nother one. That is one hell of an achievement considering pre diabetes I was eating maybe two or three choclate bars........per day!
Thanks for that. I still try to walk two miles per day but lately I haven't been wlaking five times a week. Sometimes due to weather it has only been three or four times per week but i continue to watch want I eat and I'm monitoring my BM's!
gosh what great will power faceman i cant remember the last time i ate a choccie bar and any went back in the fridge , you will have to let me into your secret :D
To be honest Steff, I didn't eat choclate for about 4 months but it was more of a tantrum. I felt that if I couyldn't have as much chocolate as I wanted I would have none. I suppose it was part of my reaction of being angry at myself and the Diabetes. God believe me, I was diagnosed three weeks before Christmas when I usually got about five selection boxes, so I was hell to live with! Shortly before Easter a friend bought me a small easter egg and I decided to end my self imposed chocolate exile and realsie I had to change my ways. Amazingly, I did it and now I control myself well. Some days it's hard, but I've lost two stone in weight, I've gone from wearing 42" waist jeans and trousers to 38" and I wake up in the morning feeling great instead of feeling crappy. Sounds weird but I think having Diabetes did me a favour as it was a wake up call and a good motivator to get fit!
your a sucsess story faceman you must be so proud congrats on the weight loss m8
Hiya all

Thought you'd like to know, I've had my 2nd HbA1C and it came back as 5.6, same as the one I had in March. I'm really pleased as I felt that it may be higher as I'd had started to eat a few blocks of chocolate now and again but generally keeping my weight down, exercising regularly and it looks like my regime is keeping my Diabetes well in check!

thats a great result, well done! 🙂
To be honest Steff, I didn't eat choclate for about 4 months but it was more of a tantrum. I felt that if I couyldn't have as much chocolate as I wanted I would have none. I suppose it was part of my reaction of being angry at myself and the Diabetes. God believe me, I was diagnosed three weeks before Christmas when I usually got about five selection boxes, so I was hell to live with! Shortly before Easter a friend bought me a small easter egg and I decided to end my self imposed chocolate exile and realsie I had to change my ways. Amazingly, I did it and now I control myself well. Some days it's hard, but I've lost two stone in weight, I've gone from wearing 42" waist jeans and trousers to 38" and I wake up in the morning feeling great instead of feeling crappy. Sounds weird but I think having Diabetes did me a favour as it was a wake up call and a good motivator to get fit!

Faceman, I think you have done terrifically well! You are a great role model for how people can change their ways, help their health and end up feeling better for it! It's not an easy thing to do - but you have shown that it is worth it! Well done!🙂
wow well done faceman, that's great to hear 🙂 Think i'll jump on the exercise bike for a few minutes 😱
if you need chocolate go to the highest cocoa level.. ie dark choc you can get a lintz 90 % cocoa take a small bit in you mouth dont chew just savour.. i went thro last christmas with one bar.. well that dunked in sloe gin.... oh no back to the virtual pub X
if you need chocolate go to the highest cocoa level.. ie dark choc you can get a lintz 90 % cocoa take a small bit in you mouth dont chew just savour.. i went thro last christmas with one bar.. well that dunked in sloe gin.... oh no back to the virtual pub X

Developed a taste for Dark Chocolate which I used to hate! I actually like the Rum & Raisin chocolate!:D
Developed a taste for Dark Chocolate which I used to hate! I actually like the Rum & Raisin chocolate!:D

watch the rasins full of natural sugar.. i went to the local choc shop ... dont ask its well posh around here... explained my being diabetic . and she gave me a few nuggets of the best she had wow nice chocolate X
watch the rasins full of natural sugar.. i went to the local choc shop ... dont ask its well posh around here... explained my being diabetic . and she gave me a few nuggets of the best she had wow nice chocolate X

Mmm I really want Chocolate now !! Buckinghamshire ?, I'm from Berkshire 😉
Hi all

not often I post here but I've had my 3rd HbA1C and it came back as 5.5, which is slightly better than the one I had in September. I'm really pleased as I felt that putting about 2lbs on since my last blood test might bump my levels up however my cholesterol gone up to 3.6, that's up 0.3 on last year but still within normal limits!

Seen a few newbies with exactly the same fears and anxieties I had when I was diagnosed 15 months ago but to reassure any newbies that if you are type 2, diet controlled then it is controllable with a sensible diet and exercise. In some ways diabetes was a good wake up call for me!:D
Hi all

not often I post here but I've had my 3rd HbA1C and it came back as 5.5, which is slightly better than the one I had in September. I'm really pleased as I felt that putting about 2lbs on since my last blood test might bump my levels up however my cholesterol gone up to 3.6, that's up 0.3 on last year but still within normal limits!

Seen a few newbies with exactly the same fears and anxieties I had when I was diagnosed 15 months ago but to reassure any newbies that if you are type 2, diet controlled then it is controllable with a sensible diet and exercise. In some ways diabetes was a good wake up call for me!:D

hi there Faceman nice to see you post and such a positive post at that brilliant numbers there and in the 5% club as well, good work keep it up x
Yep I now want to shed a few pounds if possible.
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