Novorapid vials - possible problems?

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
There have been reports of some people having problems with vials of Novorapid, batch number cs6c973. Novo Nordistk are investigating but are not currently aware there is an actual problem so have not yet issued an alert or recalled the product. People who have contacted novo nordisk with concerns have been advised to send the vials in and speak to their Doctor. Their drug safety team are currently testing the vials sent in, but no date has been given for the results.

Anyone having unexplained highs, check your Novorapid batch number for batch no CS6C973. If you are using that batch, try another batch to see if the highs are fixed.
Thanks Alan

I've heard of a few people having issues via FB - including some children in hospital with DKA unfortunately.

I'm currently using a vial with that batch number and not having any probs (and others seems to be fine too). Some people are wondering if it is part of the supply chain that maybe exposed the insulin to high temps in the recent hot weather.

Certainly doesn't seem to be every vial though so if people are using that batch don't panic... Just keep an eye on things. 🙂
Have that batch and have spent most of this week in double figures.
Might be worth changing for another batch/vial if you can?
We, well when I say we I mean Jen lol. altered my basal two days ago gone an extra .3 an hour and have just been adding random extras onto the bolus with seemingly no effect.
The culprit. I would never have suspected dodgy insulin, just went through all the usual canula changes and picking different sites e.t.c

wow didn't think the pic was that big lol. and the other vial I have is the same batch
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Don't forget you can always fill your pump reservoir from a pen cartridge if you can't get hold of a vial. I've just checked what vial we are using, and it's not from that batch. But all the spares in the fridge are :(
Bearing in mind you have a very little child Redkite, I think I'd be getting a fresh scrip on Monday 'in case' - I mean - my last couple of lots don't expire till 2015, so they'll all come in if there is nowt wrong with em, but if they are all from one lot you got together they'll all have been exposed to whatever it was.

It does happen though - Eli Lilly recalled a whole batch of Humulin S after I fell off a motorbike hypo at Ironbridge cos of crystalised insulin. The Telford hospital A&E Consultant and the head pharmacist at Boots Big Top store in Brum were involved !

So that's once for me in 41 years .....
Yes I think I will. Hope we don't get dispensed more of the same batch though! Crystallised insulin doesn't sound good....
Yes I think I will. Hope we don't get dispensed more of the same batch though! Crystallised insulin doesn't sound good....

I'd check it before you leave the pharmacy, and let the pharmacist know of the potential problem 🙂
That's my batch too. Used this one for 2 weeks and everything fine. The spare one in the fridge is that batch too. If it's been ok and there's no recall I guess I carry on.
Redkite - how do I go about filing my reservoir from my pen cartridges - just in case I need to some day!
It's a bit fiddly because the cartridge tip is smaller than the one on the vial. But you just fit the reservoir connector (the blue thing) onto the end of the cartridge (you have to remove it from the pen first) and hold it steady and in a vertical line as you draw up the insulin. Why don't you have a practice when you have a few minutes? We've done this a few times when I've forgotten to get a new vial out of the fridge in advance of a set change, so used the cartridge from the pen which was at room temp.
Yes I think I will. Hope we don't get dispensed more of the same batch though! Crystallised insulin doesn't sound good....

I'm not sure... given the number of people who seem to have vials in that batch that are fine (I am one) I would be cautiously tempted to try one of the vials you have from that batch. It may be that the ones you have are absolutely fine, and if not you'd know within an hour or two. Just make sure those ones aren't the only ones you have in!!

Ypauly - you should report your dodgy vials to Novo. The more people who are having problems that do, the more info they will have to evaluate a recall.
I will do that, I am also going to fill the bottle from my spare vial. I don't know if it will make any difference as it's the same batch but it sounds like some are ok.
Hi, just to add we have been using this batch too but without problems and almost at the end of it. Have two others in the fridge, one same batch the other a different one. May well start the unaffected batch one from now and put in another px just to be on safe side!
Filling from a cartridge - works fine once the cartridge has been in use for a bit, however new cartridges are a bugger! if you try and force 200 or 300ml of air into a brand new one, they leak round the filer (ie spray out alarmingly in all directions) and you lose half of it ..... Start drawing the insulin up from the cartridge without putting air in first, then remove the cartridge, leaving the filler bit on the reservoir, hold that upright (filler end up) draw up some air into the reservoir, then reattach the cartridge, inject the air into the cartridge, and put the rest of the insulin in, in the normal manner.

Doesn't matter if you can't get the reservoir brim full.
I have 2 vials of this batch, which were issued to me with my pump.

Numbers have been fine (been using for 9 days now).

Although upon checking I dropped the one from the fridge, but it didn't break - phew :D
Readings back to normal today:D and 4.9 as we speak. Sy=trange that is though being from the same batch.
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