Novorapid - limited Supply?

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Thanks all for the speculation and advice about out of stock/manufacturing problems with Novorapid. I just got a call from the chemist to say that the vials are now in. I'll update if I get any more information about reasons etc.
Sorry to resurrect an old thread but I am afraid this is a genuine problem. It is not the pharmacy's fault.
The distributor that pharmacies in my area use has placed a cap on the the number of vials that each pharmacy may receive each month. It affects more than just my local pharmacy and I have now found out that pharmacies in the next town are having the same supply issue.
I have a GP appointment next week. I'm going to ask if I can get moved on to Humalog as my pharmacist says he only hits a cap for novorapid.
Sorry to resurrect an old thread but I am afraid this is a genuine problem. It is not the pharmacy's fault.
The distributor that pharmacies in my area use has placed a cap on the the number of vials that each pharmacy may receive each month. It affects more than just my local pharmacy and I have now found out that pharmacies in the next town are having the same supply issue.
I have a GP appointment next week. I'm going to ask if I can get moved on to Humalog as my pharmacist says he only hits a cap for novorapid.
@Martha Diabetes UK or @Gwen Diabetes UK - is Diabetes UK aware of this, and if so can anything be done to raise the issue with the powers-that-be?
@Martha Diabetes UK or @Gwen Diabetes UK - is Diabetes UK aware of this, and if so can anything be done to raise the issue with the powers-that-be?
Hi Alan. I'm not aware of this so far so unfortunately don't have an immediate answer for this one. I've got in touch with our information officer to see if she can find out a bit more for us. As soon as I hear back from her I will update you all.
Hi Alan. I'm not aware of this so far so unfortunately don't have an immediate answer for this one. I've got in touch with our information officer to see if she can find out a bit more for us. As soon as I hear back from her I will update you all.
Thanks Gwen 🙂
For what is worth, I picked up a box of five novorapid pens yesterday, and the pharmacy didn't mention anything. What's the capacity and physical size of the vials you use? Are they the same vials that go in the pens?
Vials of Novovralid for the pump contain 10 ml ml, and would last a different number of days depending on your TDD. Mine last me three fills which is about 18 days, however this will differ for each person. So far I have had no problems getting any, although the pharmacist indicated that there would be nor problem at the end of March, but he was concerned that there could be ‘a few weeks later after the stockpiles have run out’.
Hi Alan. I'm not aware of this so far so unfortunately don't have an immediate answer for this one. I've got in touch with our information officer to see if she can find out a bit more for us. As soon as I hear back from her I will update you all.

Anything at all about this, Gwen?
Anything at all about this, Gwen?

From what I can tell Novo Nordisk have been trying to put contingency plans in place to ensure supply (as have other insulin manufacturers). Obviously a bit tricky as there still seems to be no way of knowing if we will be out with no deal in a fortnight, or in it for the long haul of an extension that could last much much longer. Still no plan, and no clarity it seems.

I’m pretty sure the government were buying up a bunch of fridges for medicines a while back, though who knows what of anything that gets reported is actually true any more!

My suggestion would be to try not to worry, until there actually IS something definite. Don’t personally stockpile (which would create an arfltificial shortage if everyone did it) but similarly, don’t leave re-ordering to the last minute. Make sure you’ve got at least a vial/pack of pens or two ‘in hand’.
From what I can tell Novo Nordisk have been trying to put contingency plans in place to ensure supply (as have other insulin manufacturers). Obviously a bit tricky as there still seems to be no way of knowing if we will be out with no deal in a fortnight, or in it for the long haul of an extension that could last much much longer. Still no plan, and no clarity it seems.

I’m pretty sure the government were buying up a bunch of fridges for medicines a while back, though who knows what of anything that gets reported is actually true any more!

My suggestion would be to try not to worry, until there actually IS something definite. Don’t personally stockpile (which would create an arfltificial shortage if everyone did it) but similarly, don’t leave re-ordering to the last minute. Make sure you’ve got at least a vial/pack of pens or two ‘in hand’.

Thanks but the problem isn't Brexit. My pharmacy directed me to this article which was published on 30th April 2017, just one month after Article 50 triggered. Had it occurred to anyone to stockpile medicines at that point? He says this is the earliest evidence of the problem he's seen online.

I don't know the name of the distribution company, my pharmacist wouldn't say. However, he has advised that this company has placed a "cap" on the quantity of Novorapid vials each pharmacy can receive in a month. Given the increasing numbers of pump users in the UK, I am really surprised more people haven't been asking what is going on!

Someone in my local NHS has been switching people on pumps from Humalog to Novorapid and the pharmacies here are now hitting their cap regularly. It's sometimes possible to get additional supplies but only if your prescription is faxed to the distributor to prove the insulin is needed - I am not sure what measures are taken to protect sensitive data on the prescription?

The distributor sometimes does NOT supply the additional insulin if the end of the month is approaching. The situation is ridiculous. I emailed my local NHS 18 months ago asking them to get involved when the supply issue first arose in my area. They blamed the pharmacy but it's several different independent pharmacies in more than one town. I contacted the NHS again last month and they've again pointed the finger at the pharmacies. Why won't they listen?

I am so fed up that I've gone to my GP and switched to Humalog, which has no cap. I had one hellish week of hypos but it's settling now.
Thanks but the problem isn't Brexit. My pharmacy directed me to this article which was published on 30th April 2017, just one month after Article 50 triggered. Had it occurred to anyone to stockpile medicines at that point? He says this is the earliest evidence of the problem he's seen online.

Ah that’s interesting, thanks for the link and clarification. I’ve not heard of anything similar local to me, and haven’t had any significant issues getting NovoRapid vials in recent years. Occasionally I get a day or two’s delay on one or other item, but more recently that has been test strips not insulin vials.

I’m in contact with a few folks in Novo Nordisk, I’ll see if I can ask them if they are aware of this issue and what they are doing about it.
Anything at all about this, Gwen?
Hi Chandler - apologies for the late response, I've been on leave. I didn't hear back from the information officer so I'll chase this up for you! All the best 🙂
Anything at all about this, Gwen?
Hi again. I know I'm a bit late for this but I just heard back from my colleague. She told me this is most likely to be a local issue and she would suggest they try an alternative pharmacist with a different wholesaler. Some wholesalers seem to generally have issues getting vials as opposed to pen fill novorapid for some reason. Large chain pharmacies are often more easily able to get it.
I hope this helps!
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