NN claims that stem cells may be ready for testing in 2 or 3 years; would think the authorities would be extremely wary of allowing stem cells to be introduced to the peritoneal cavity without exhaustive studies in other large mammals first- looks as though dogs and mice have been trialled so far. authorities would need to be completely satisfied that all of the cells could be retrieved on every occasion at the end of their useful life or the end of the trial. If it works it would represent definitive treatment for type 1 and 1.5 but the NHS does not have the capacity to perform all the laparoscopic surgery involved- would need to train diabetes physicians and CNS' s to perform the surgery, there are 300 000 type 1 in this country. On the other hand 10% of the NHS budget is presently spent on diabetes, much of it on complications.
as regards the glucose sensing molecule, it looks quite a large entity in relation to insulin. Insulin is about 50 amino acids, this molecule has many benzene rings and 0-, NH2 groups.
as regards the glucose sensing molecule, it looks quite a large entity in relation to insulin. Insulin is about 50 amino acids, this molecule has many benzene rings and 0-, NH2 groups.