not to good

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
well I havent been feeling to good this last week Iwent to the Doctors on Thursday and with the high blood I have been having since the Dafne lot told me to drop my BI Doc says its to low now and to put it back well I have been doing that since Thursday and yesterday and so far todat BGs ok allday yesterday they were 5.8 5.9 5.6 and like that I did a fasting atfrom 4.00 yester day to see if BI was doing its job right ant thats what the BGs were so it dident go down or up. But might have to drop it because at 3.00 this morning I was 4.4 and at 8.00 this morning 3.2 . Well I have to go back to Docs on Thursday so Ill keep a eye on it and see. But at least I am feeling a bit better not as dizzy to day.🙂
Glad your back on track now..............the thing with dafne is they want everyone on a clean slate, so everyones background gets dropped, sometimes halved, to what it should be for you weight...........alot of the time people are on too much background insulin, and we all know the background is the foundation for good sugars and insulin/carb ratios that make sense.....

Your results seem to be really tight though, well done......🙂
Good to hear that the levels are much better Carol. It does sound as though you might need to drop the basal by a small percentage to avoid dropping too low in the night. I often have to adjust my basal and you do get the hang of it eventually - most of the time! 🙂 Until then, you might want to try going to bed on a higher level or having a long acting snack before bed - I have a slice of bread and peanut butter sometimes as this will digest slowly and help keep your levels up over a long period. 🙂
Yes thanks novorapidbol26 hope its getting there now. Doc. could not understand why thy had told me to drop it so much as my controles were ok before Dafne and now thy are not BGs were not to bad but I was having a few night hypos but now BGs have been up in the 18.0 17.0 24.0 but for the last 2 day since Iput it up thy are 5.6 5.4 range and today 7.6 so I keep a eye on the night time ones might have to drop it as this morning it was 3.2 but was ok through night at 3.00
On my course there were folk there that had good control (HbA1c).........I thought it was strange, I couldnt understand why they were there, its just they didnt know how to carb count pretty much, amongst other things but there control was good, I had the highest HbA1c.......
Good to hear that the levels are much better Carol. It does sound as though you might need to drop the basal by a small percentage to avoid dropping too low in the night. I often have to adjust my basal and you do get the hang of it eventually - most of the time! 🙂 Until then, you might want to try going to bed on a higher level or having a long acting snack before bed - I have a slice of bread and peanut butter sometimes as this will digest slowly and help keep your levels up over a long period. 🙂

thanks northerner, I did have some branflakes last night before Iwent to bed as I had not had any dinner or anything from lunch time to see if my BGs stayed the same and BI was working ok and thy did they were in the 5s all day. So I just keep going and see what happens till I go back to the Docs on THursday thank you.🙂
On my course there were folk there that had good control (HbA1c).........I thought it was strange, I couldnt understand why they were there, its just they didnt know how to carb count pretty much, amongst other things but there control was good, I had the highest HbA1c.......

they sent me on Dafne because I was having a few night hypos and not getting the worning sines I hadent been carb counting but my HbAIc was 7.6 so not to bad.Dread to think what it is now after 6 weeks of these highs
I suppose its better to have that same number but without the dangerous night time lows and no warning signs..........

Do you test in between meals much, and if so whats your highest spike?
I suppose its better to have that same number but without the dangerous night time lows and no warning signs..........

Do you test in between meals much, and if so whats your highest spike?

havent done much before but do now and the highst this week was this morning at 10.00 it was10.2 but back down at 12.00 to 7.3
havent done much before but do now and the highst this week was this morning at 10.00 it was10.2 but back down at 12.00 to 7.3

What was your breakfast reading.......
What was your breakfast reading.......

no breakfast was 3.2 at 8.00 had breakfast then and at 10.00 BGs 10.2 then at 12.00 BGs 7.3 I have just done a test now and its 3.6 so I have had some dextro tabs Iam keeping a eye on it thanks.
Quite a few lows as well as highs then............background tweaking her we come...
Quite a few lows as well as highs then............background tweaking her we come...

yes thanks I have been putting it back up since I went to the Docs last Thursday from 14 its now 19 so think I will have to put it down tonight Ill try 18 and see what happens.🙂
What was your breakfast reading.......
breakfast readin was 4.4 yesterday I have droped my BI last night to 18 and at 3.00 BGs were 8.2 and at 7.30 today 6.9 but at lunchtime 3.7 just done it now at 2.00 BGs 11.0 but did have a Cornish pasty 4g carbs at 12.00 i will keep checking to day thank you:D
breakfast readin was 4.4 yesterday I have droped my BI last night to 18 and at 3.00 BGs were 8.2 and at 7.30 today 6.9 but at lunchtime 3.7 just done it now at 2.00 BGs 11.0 but did have a Cornish pasty 4g carbs at 12.00 i will keep checking to day thank you:D

What did you have for breakfast, if you had anything..............

Your bolus dose could be responsible for the lunchtime, if you had nothing then the background is too much maybe...but you were good through the night.....??

These are mine for today..

0630 - 17.4 - tired, tired, tired

1030 - 6.4 - sweet

1140 - 6.0 - nice

1410 - 6.4 -happy days

This is a really good day for me so far........
I had Branflakes 30g that 2cp and milk thats 1/2CP and 1 slice of toastBurger bread thats 2cp and yesterday I had a little marmalade on because of the 3.2BGs.
I had Branflakes 30g that 2cp and milk thats 1/2CP and 1 slice of toastBurger bread thats 2cp and yesterday I had a little marmalade on because of the 3.2BGs.

So rounding up 5 CP, which equates to 5 units on a 1:1 ratio, is that what you took?
No I am on 2-1 so that was 9 I took

My theory would then be that you may need to drop that ratio to maybe 1.5:1 but only if you consistly going low at lunch...........

What do you think?
My theory would then be that you may need to drop that ratio to maybe 1.5:1 but only if you consistly going low at lunch...........

What do you think?

Thats what I thought today I was 3.7 at lunch time just managed to get my BI about right and now this well I go back to see the DOC tomroow so Ill see what she says but last night before dinner it was 2.8 agen same ratio so I am gettin a bit confused now about it all but thank you
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