Not sure whats happening post 2

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Right, so you probably didn’t go up after lunch as you had minimal carbs. See the difference between your post-lunch result and your evening meal result. If you eat less carbs for your evening meal, your blood sugar might be better when you wake up and then with careful eating it might stay lower through the day.
No I didn't I tested at 6
45 am ish ..amd it was 11 something, then the results of tonight .. I'm going to test again in half an hour x
To get a good idea of the effect of meals then you need to test just before you eat and then again after 2 hours, paired readings are much more useful as all sorts of things can affect your blood glucose so you will not be getting the true picture of what is happening from the food.
You would be aiming at no more than a 2-3mmol/l increase from your meal.
You can test in the morning to check for progress day to day, week to week etc.
Right, so you probably didn’t go up after lunch as you had minimal carbs. See the difference between your post-lunch result and your evening meal result. If you eat less carbs for your evening meal, your blood sugar might be better when you wake up and then with careful eating it might stay lower through the day.
Ok I understand ( I think !)
So the carbs I'm eating are causing the high results
Ok I understand ( I think !)
So the carbs I'm eating are causing the high results
All carbohydrates are converted by your metabolism into glucose which in a non diabetic would be dealt with by the insulin they produce but if diabetic then either they do not produce enough insulin or they do but it cannot be used effectively so all the excess glucose attaches to your red blood cells and circulates around in your system. When this goes on for some time then people start to get symptoms and potential unpleasant complications.
Carbohydrates are foods like potatoes, rice, bread, pasta, starchy vegetables, tropical fruits and fruit juice as well as obvious foods like cakes, biscuits, and sugary drinks.
So the answer to your question is yes the carbs you are eating are causing your high levels.
Have a look at this link as it may help you understand better about how much impact the foods you eat will impact on your blood glucose level.
There are also some meal plans which may help with a way forward for modifying your diet.
No I didn't I tested at 6
45 am ish ..amd it was 11 something, then the results of tonight .. I'm going to test again in half an hour x
It is helpful to do pairs of tests around meals, so testing just before you eat and then 2 hours after. BG levels fluctuate throughout the day and night in response to many different factors including food, exercise, stress, medication and a whole host of other things, so in order to see how you responded to any particular meal you need to test immediately before and then 2 hours after. In the time between 6.45am when you tested and got 11 and lunchtime, your levels could have been all over the place so your post lunch reading loses any relevance other than being higher than you would like obviously.
That is good as a risk of ketones developing is much reduced and the fact that it has dropped indicates that you are still producing insulin, but your system is struggling with the amount of carbs you are eating.
What were you planning to have for breakfast or do you not eat breakfast?
That is good as a risk of ketones developing is much reduced and the fact that it has dropped indicates that you are still producing insulin, but your system is struggling with the amount of carbs you are eating.
What were you planning to have for breakfast or do you not eat breakfast?
I haven't given my breakfast much thought ..I normally have toast or Cereals...carbs again
I haven't given my breakfast much thought ..I normally have toast or Cereals...carbs again
A better option would be some Greek yoghurt with some berries or eggs. Many people are more sensitive to carbs in the morning so tend to try to have a low carb breakfast. A couple of ryvita with cheese would be better than cereals and toast.
Yes, that was why I was asking now, because at 6.45am I imagine you won't have time to think about it too much or be posting about it. Starting the day with high carb foods means your levels will likely be high all day.
Some scrambled eggs with cheese and ham would be fine or an omelette is good with whatever filling you fancy or yoghurt with a few berries if you have any.
A better option would be some Greek yoghurt with some berries or eggs. Many people are more sensitive to carbs in the morning so tend to try to have a low carb breakfast. A couple of ryvita with cheese would be better than cereals and toast.
Ok understood,
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