Not sure whats happening post 2

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Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
Just an update for those that answered my earlier post
I had a high BG reading this morning after fasting , i had chicken salad for lunch tested 2 hours after result was 9.6
Tonight's tea I had a chicken roast dinner , took my BG 2 hours later 15.8 with Ketones similar numbers to last night's result.. any further advice please ? Shall I test again in an hour to see if it's coming down ? Thanks for reading
Julie x
Without knowing what your dinner consisted of in the way of carbohydrates it is very difficult to judge - if you are eating meals with a lot of starchy foods, then it is in the nature of type 2's to have a high blood glucose level.
I believe that the 'ketones' prompt is to suggest that you test for ketones not that ketones are detected - the strips are different even if the meter can do both, and it is more aimed at type 1s insulin users or those with a more complex diagnosis.
My food tonight was roast chicken, 2 roast potatoes , brocoli, carrots, cabbage , sruffing , 2 x Yorkshire pudding , gravy , not a huge plate full by any means it was just average portions I feel.The meter supposedly detects ketones ..

I'm new to this so forgive me if I sound confused
Just an update for those that answered my earlier post
I had a high BG reading this morning after fasting , i had chicken salad for lunch tested 2 hours after result was 9.6
Tonight's tea I had a chicken roast dinner , took my BG 2 hours later 15.8 with Ketones similar numbers to last night's result.. any further advice please ? Shall I test again in an hour to see if it's coming down ? Thanks for reading
Julie x
The meter is not saying you have ketones but is suggesting that you check for ketones because your BG levels are mid teens and that potentially puts you at risk of developing ketones.

As asked above, what did your evening meal consist of? Potatoes? (How many?) Yorkshire Pud? (What size) Parsnips? Stuffing? Gravy? Any dessert? What did you drink with it?

Yes, test again in another hour and see how it is doing. Drinking plenty of water and going for a walk or doing some exercise should help to bring it down a bit. Sitting after a meal is the worst thing you can do.
It does look like you need to see about an up to date HbA1c test and depending upon what you ate tonight, start thinking about reducing your carb intake.
The meter is not saying you have ketones but is suggesting that you check for ketones because your BG levels are mid teens and that potentially puts you at risk of developing ketones.

As asked above, what did your evening meal consist of? Potatoes? (How many?) Yorkshire Pud? (What size) Parsnips? Stuffing? Gravy? Any dessert? What did you drink with it?

Yes, test again in another hour and see how it is doing. Drinking plenty of water and going for a walk or doing some exercise should help to bring it down a bit. Sitting after a meal is the worst thing you can do.
It does look like you need to see about an up to date HbA1c test and depending upon what you ate tonight, start thinking about reducing your carb intake.
No parsnips, no desert , I drank Pepsi max caffeine free , my 1st HbA1c result (48) needs to be repeated in 2 weeks time.
Hope this sounds OK. I'm going tobrepeat the BG test now
Sorry our posts crossed and I am also getting you confused with another new member who had just started testing again after not having an HbA1c for 5 years. Looking back I now see your recent HbA1c was 48, but clearly things are changing as those readings suggest an HbA1c higher than 48 although it is a stretch to say that with so few tests.

So the carb rich foods are the potatoes, Yorkies, stuffing and gravy and clearly your body can't cope with that lot. Next time you have that meal have just one potato and one Yorkie and skip the stuffing and just a bit of gravy and see how you get on then, making sure to test before the meal and then 2 hours afterwards.

What did you have with your salad at lunchtime?
My food tonight was roast chicken, 2 roast potatoes , brocoli, carrots, cabbage , sruffing , 2 x Yorkshire pudding , gravy , not a huge plate full by any means it was just average portions I feel.The meter supposedly detects ketones ..

I'm new to this so forgive me if I sound confused

@julieashf Ok, so a fair amount of carbs there. Say 20g for each potato if they were small, 15g for the stuffing, 10g each for the Yorkshire puddings, so it could be 75g carbs in your meal.

As said above, your meter doesn’t test ketones. It’s just telling you to consider testing for them because your blood sugar is high. Your tea last night and tonight were probably similar in carbs so you got a similar blood sugar result.

What’s your blood sugar now? It would be interesting to see if it comes down and when.
Sorry our posts crossed and I am also getting you confused with another new member who had just started testing again after not having an HbA1c for 5 years. Looking back I now see your recent HbA1c was 48, but clearly things are changing as those readings suggest an HbA1c higher than 48 although it is a stretch to say that with so few tests.

So the carb rich foods are the potatoes, Yorkies, stuffing and gravy and clearly your body can't cope with that lot. Next time you have that meal have just one potato and one Yorkie and skip the stuffing and just a bit of gravy and see how you get on then, making sure to test before the meal and then 2 hours afterwards.

What did you have with your salad at lunchtime?
Hi , I had chicken breast with my salad I've just retested my BG so 3 hours after tea my reafing is now 13.9 x
@julieashf Ok, so a fair amount of carbs there. Say 20g for each potato if they were small, 15g for the stuffing, 10g each for the Yorkshire puddings, so it could be 75g carbs in your meal.

As said above, your meter doesn’t test ketones. It’s just telling you to consider testing for them because your blood sugar is high. Your tea last night and tonight were probably similar in carbs so you got a similar blood sugar result.

What’s your blood sugar now? It would be interesting to see if it comes down and when.
3 hours after tea it was 13.9 x
You might want to see if you can get hold of some Ketostix from a pharmacy tomorrow. They can be purchased over the counter for about £5 and come in a pot of 50 and you dip them in your urine when your BG levels are persistently mid teens or above. It isn't necessary to test if they come back down again after a meal, but if they go up and stay up, then it can be helpful to be able to test so you can get help if you do develop any significant ketones. If it is any consolation, I went up to 27 one night after eating a large bag of Jacobs salt and vinegar savoury biscuits and it took me half a gallon of water and numerous trips to the loo consumed and excreted throughout the night to get me back down to 22 by the next morning. It cured me of wanting to eat them ever again I can tell you! 🙄
So still high. I’d test again at 4hrs after tea (or just before you go to bed if that’s too late, noting the time). Also, if you get up in the night, test your blood sugar.
Ok will do , it was 11. Something this morning on waking ill check before bed x
You might want to see if you can get hold of some Ketostix from a pharmacy tomorrow. They can be purchased over the counter for about £5 and come in a pot of 50 and you dip them in your urine when your BG levels are persistently mid teens or above. It isn't necessary to test if they come back down again after a meal, but if they go up and stay up, then it can be helpful to be able to test so you can get help if you do develop any significant ketones. If it is any consolation, I went up to 27 one night after eating a large bag of Jacobs salt and vinegar savoury biscuits and it took me half a gallon of water and numerous trips to the loo consumed and excreted throughout the night to get me back down to 22 by the next morning. It cured me of wanting to eat them ever again I can tell you! 🙄
From my readings in uour opinion do you think there's a issue ? X
Hi , I had chicken breast with my salad I've just retested my BG so 3 hours after tea my reafing is now 13.9 x
I meant what was in the salad (ie pasta. croutons, dressing. quite a few sweet cherry tomatoes?) along with the chicken and salad leaves or did you document that in your other thread.
Getting the repeat HbA1C test as soon as possible would be a good idea but meanwhile keeping a food diary with everything you eat and drink together with any blood glucose readings you take would provide evidence to show your GP as the readings you are getting don't quite match what you would expect from an HbA1C of only 48mmol/mol and having such high reading is not good.
I think reassessing your meals so you can reduce the carbs would be a good idea. Having several high carb foods in one meal may just be a step too far so maybe just have 1 potato and the veggies with the chicken, if you must have gravy then be careful how you make it.
From my readings in uour opinion do you think there's a issue ? X
I think you have diabetes and your body is not coping with the carbs you are eating. The high readings after meals may suggest that it has reached a dipping point quite quickly which can suggest Type 1 in some cases. It would be wise to get some Ketostix so that you can monitor for ketones when your BG levels are high. Ketones don't often develop but if they do and there is insufficient insulin in your system it can make you very unwell, so getting a bit of forward notice by testing for ketones can help to avert that risk.
I meant what was in the salad (ie pasta. croutons, dressing. quite a few sweet cherry tomatoes?) along with the chicken and salad leaves or did you document that in your other thread.
Oh sorry no it was no dressing no croutons no pasta no coleslaw there was a beefeater tomatoe, cucumber, onion , salad leaves , spinach leaves red pepper ..think that was it x
Oh sorry no it was no dressing no croutons no pasta no coleslaw there was a beefeater tomatoe, cucumber, onion , salad leaves , spinach leaves red pepper ..think that was it x
Ok so there were no appreciable carbs in that meal and levels still went up. What did you drink with it?
Just trying to get as much info as possible o assess what may be going on.
I think you have diabetes and your body is not coping with the carbs you are eating. The high readings after meals may suggest that it has reached a dipping point quite quickly which can suggest Type 1 in some cases. It would be wise to get some Ketostix so that you can monitor for ketones when your BG levels are high. Ketones don't often develop but if they do and there is insufficient insulin in your system it can make you very unwell, so getting a bit of forward notice by testing for ketones can help to avert that risk.
Thank you , I'll get those strips tomorrow x
Ok so there were no appreciable carbs in that meal and levels still went up. What did you drink with it?
Just trying to get as much info as possible o assess what may be going on.
Pepsi max caffeine free was my drink and no issues about asking I'm so happy to have some help x
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