Not sure if anyone here still remembers me. Update on my cancer journey.

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So sorry to hear about what you’re going through @NotWorriedAtAll. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Really sorry to hear that you have ben through such a rough time, but I am so impressed (although not surprised knowing you) by how you set yourself up for the very best chance of success by working hard at your fitness and BG management beforehand. Good to read in just the few posts you have shared here in the last couple of days that you are making some slow steady progress and wishing you all the luck in the world for a full recovery.
As regards menopause, don't suffer in silence for 5 years like I did. If you find that you are struggling with symptoms, do ask about HRT. I too use the patches and they are nothing short of miraculous and no real side effects. I sleep so soundly every night. No more hot sweats where I felt like I was going to spontaneously combust several times a night and from the second night of applying a patch, I didn't need a pit stop through the night and I have slept soundly and right through the night ever since.... and not even desperate for the loo when I do wake up. Good sleep is so important for physical and mental health as well as BG management, so they really have been a revelation for me.

Funny that I was just thinking of you a few days ago and wondering how you were getting on as you used to post so regularly and your baking and general ethos towards living with diabetes was so inspirational. You have been quite a miss to the forum, but totally understand that you needed to focus on your own health and wellbeing during that time.
Only snag with HRT patches is, if you let the sun to them, they don't work! Hence if you're a fan of exposing the bits of your body you stick the patches on to sun, you're onto a loser. I was consigned to tablets because of that - being a naturist!

Or at least - that used to be the case with them though not sure whether it still is, or what.
Hello - I'm back 🙂
Starting to feel much more like my old self.
I was told HRT wasn't on the cards and so far I am doing okay now without it. Fingers crossed that will continue.
Back to 1 - 2 hours a day on the exercise bike and gentle Beat Saber on VR.
Sleeping more than I used to and getting a bit more irritable but that's my husband's problem more than mine! LOLS
Blood sugars bang on normal and blood pressure fine.

I have been left with an umbilical hernia from the operation (what I thought was a scar turns out it was a worsening - so it goes to show how clueless I am) and now that is being investigated and surgery probably being slated so I need to lose more weight to ensure that operation goes better than the hysterectomy did.

I am not having chemo nor radiotherapy as there was only a maybe 10% difference in likely outcome so we're going for watchful waiting and whack a mole strategy instead so I can stay at peak fitness.
Apart from the hernia which is only small I am feeling pretty good now.

I am hoping to be able to get back to putting an Easter recipe book together probably in time for Easter 2025 now.
It is good to have plans again.
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Hello I too remember you and just wanted to send a big {{{{{{{{{{{{{HUG}}}}}}}}}}}}}} and hopes that you continue to improve despite the projected surgery.
So pleased you are feeling better in yourself and getting back to your previous normal life. Good luck with the recipe book..... and of course any necessary further surgery to sort that hernia out.
It would be lovely to see you posting more regularly on the forum again if you have time. I am sure you are a huge inspiration to many members, particularly new ones, who are struggling with the whole concept of giving up the foods they love.
Lovely to hear from you, pleased to hear you are feeling more like your old self and back to exercising. Sorry to hear that you might need more surgery.

Good luck with your plans to get back to doing an Easter recipe book.
Glad to hear you are doing better @NotWorriedAtAll .

I had a hysterectomy a scary number of years ago (how time flies!), due to a very large fibroid, rather than anything clinically sinister. My recovery was thankfully straightforward.

A while afterwards I noticed I had a but of a shape (not exactly a bump, but not flat either), just above my umbilicus. I was diagnosed as having a hernia there, but put on a watch and review (unless it herniated - joy), because those very often improve significantly with longer term healing. It was all to do with how they separate the muscle plates to get to those pesky bits coming out.

All sorted in time.

I do hope the remainder of your recovery goes well.
Hello - I'm back 🙂
Starting to feel much more like my old self.
I was told HRT wasn't on the cards and so far I am doing okay now without it. Fingers crossed that will continue.
Back to 1 - 2 hours a day on the exercise bike and gentle Beat Saber on VR.
Sleeping more than I used to and getting a bit more irritable but that's my husband's problem more than mine! LOLS
Blood sugars bang on normal and blood pressure fine.

I have been left with an umbilical hernia from the operation (what I thought was a scar turns out it was a worsening - so it goes to show how clueless I am) and now that is being investigated and surgery probably being slated so I need to lose more weight to ensure that operation goes better than the hysterectomy did.

I am not having chemo nor radiotherapy as there was only a maybe 10% difference in likely outcome so we're going for watchful waiting and whack a mole strategy instead so I can stay at peak fitness.
Apart from the hernia which is only small I am feeling pretty good now.

I am hoping to be able to get back to putting an Easter recipe book together probably in time for Easter 2025 now.
It is good to have plans again.
Glad to hear you are recovering. And sleep is not only well-deserved, but probably critical to your long-term healing. I regularly get in 9 hours, and up to 11 if I had a late night, so just assume I need it.
It is great that you can do without HRT, but in case you need it at some point. I was told the same since I had blood clots a few years ago, but did some digging and found that patches has a very different profile, and there is No evidence that patches increase risk of clotting. So after a few rounds between my GP and the hospital endo, it was signed off and I have been on it for a year!
HRT patches have been life changing for me!
Glad to hear you are recovering. And sleep is not only well-deserved, but probably critical to your long-term healing. I regularly get in 9 hours, and up to 11 if I had a late night, so just assume I need it.
It is great that you can do without HRT, but in case you need it at some point. I was told the same since I had blood clots a few years ago, but did some digging and found that patches has a very different profile, and there is No evidence that patches increase risk of clotting. So after a few rounds between my GP and the hospital endo, it was signed off and I have been on it for a year!
My consultant said it would 'feed the cancer' - which freaked me out a little bit because I thought they'd got it all. But as time progresses I will revisit that. Right now I am just treading water and processing and trying to draw a line under stuff and move forward and keeping my fingers crossed it won't happen again.
My consultant said it would 'feed the cancer' - which freaked me out a little bit because I thought they'd got it all. But as time progresses I will revisit that. Right now I am just treading water and processing and trying to draw a line under stuff and move forward and keeping my fingers crossed it won't happen again.
Sorry, realise I was being very insensitive. I just went back and realised you’d had a hystorectomy, so likely a very different scenario to me who has lung cancer. I have a great relationship with my oncology consultants and would trust their judgment (the battle was GP vs endo Clinic for me). Best wishes!
Feeling physically a lot better but struggling with low moods right now. Possibly a bit of SAD kicking in I think.
I've had my MRI on my hernia and waiting for the results and then I'll know what we will be doing next about it if anything - it doesn't hurt any more and is just a hard lump above my tummy button now. Maybe it will improve with time.
I have given up completely with trying to keep in therapeutic ketosis. I am just about staying in ketosis but I am having treats and moderately non keto meals but still staying in ketosis despite them.
I am back to wielding my heavy cast iron pans and doing an hour a day exercise cycling.
Not really noticing any menopause symptoms now apart from getting a bit hot now and then but I don't really mind that. Maybe I am so fat I have got plenty of oestrogen even without my baby-making equipment.
I think a lot of us are struggling with low mood at this time of year and the miserable wet weather outside is not helping, even if you don't go out much, just the dark overcast outlook when you draw the curtains doesn't help, whereas some blue sky and a bit of sunshine can really give you a lift.
Great that you are getting back to exercising and that should help with your low spirits too. I am sure you will be back on top of your keto diet soon, but sounds like you are still doing very well in the circumstances. Hope you are feeling more upbeat soon.
I had my first session with a personal trainer today.
We went over my many health and wellbeing circumstances and then I did some gentle weight training and stepping and walking on a walking machine and stretches not necessarily in that order. It was actually quite fun and I was ok with being one to one with someone I hadn't met before. She specialises in training people with neurodivergent traits and health problems so she was very open to adjusting her strategies to suit me rather than trying to get me to fit with a predetermined routine. I was less unfit than I thought I was and I feel a lot more perky afterwards so I think it did me good. I am still waiting to find out what is going on regarding the hernia - that will be next week so fingers crossed about that.
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