Not really sure what to do.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Not really sure what to do because it seems if i have a buser day or evening i drop during the night. But cant adjust my trisba for thouse times becasuse of its lag time of catching up.
Ask to change to Levemir and explain why. If you have a good reason why you think Levemir would be better they should be open to letting you change. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my Levemir because it is so flexible.... and because it keeps me alive of course! 😉

In the meantime the best you can do is probably reduce your evening bolus maybe by 25% on days when you are active which will probably mean you go to bed with levels a bit high but the Tresiba will brink them down through the night or have a bedtime snack to push your levels up higher. It may be you need to go up to 12 or more to stop you dropping too low. Your nurse will hopefully see this and realise that you are struggling to manage on Tresiba and support a change to Levemir
Not really sure what to do because it seems if i have a buser day or evening i drop during the night. But cant adjust my trisba for thouse times becasuse of its lag time of catching up.

Swap to a twice-daily insulin as @rebrascora says. In the meantime, you could have a larger bedtime snack to help keep your blood sugar up.
This is why I hated tresiba when I was put on it and kept asking to change back. Takes a week for new doses to settle down so you can’t just adjust the dose for a busier few days etc.
Ask to change to Levemir and explain why. If you have a good reason why you think Levemir would be better they should be open to letting you change. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my Levemir because it is so flexible.... and because it keeps me alive of course! 😉

In the meantime the best you can do is probably reduce your evening bolus maybe by 25% on days when you are active which will probably mean you go to bed with levels a bit high but the Tresiba will brink them down through the night or have a bedtime snack to push your levels up higher. It may be you need to go up to 12 or more to stop you dropping too low. Your nurse will hopefully see this and realise that you are struggling to manage on Tresiba and support a change to Levemir
I only take it once a day in the morning
I only take it once a day in the morning
Bolus insulin is the meal time insulin. Basal is the long acting Tresiba. I was suggesting you take less meal time insulin with your evening meal on the days you are more active.
Yes sorry i read it wrong i think there still working out what the right amount of insullin for me. anyway
It is still very early days and it can change quite a lot so it does take time to figure it all out and get the right dose. Even then, I am often having to tweak my basal insulin doses for all sorts of reasons.
This is why I hated tresiba when I was put on it and kept asking to change back. Takes a week for new doses to settle down so you can’t just adjust the dose for a busier few days etc.
What was the reason you werec put on it.
What was the reason you werec put on it.
“It’s new and flatter profile so better”. I hated it, the flat profile means that I was going low every evening at 5pm ish when I need less basal and high other times when I needed more, as I couldn’t increase the dose of tresiba as I’d go even lower at 5pm. Drs were resistant to me coming off it because “it’s new and better” but did in the end, Lantus suits me much better. It doesn’t really last 24hrs which is an advantage, I take it at 6pm and haven’t had a 5pm low other than very occasionally since. Different basals work for different people but tresiba does seem particularly inflexible.
they give me lirbma at todays reveiw
lets hope i don;t automaittly take 1o units of it in the morning
Goimg back to this because I realised how much of nightmare tresriba would be with work(after intsilly saying I might want to go back I don't think I would now)
Goimg back to this because I realised how much of nightmare tresriba would be with work(after intsilly saying I might want to go back I don't think I would now)
It does mean if I work past 9pm I have to excuse myself to take my evening livermir though
It does mean if I work past 9pm I have to excuse myself to take my evening livermir though
It takes less time to inject Levemir than it does to go to the loo. Do you need to excuse yourself to go to the loo?
It does mean if I work past 9pm I have to excuse myself to take my evening livermir though
Your employer has to allow you the 30 seconds break that it takes to inject your levemir.
It takes less time to inject Levemir than it does to go to the loo. Do you need to excuse yourself to go to the loo?
Plus it orobelly won't matter if I'm a little bit late doing
Plus it orobelly won't matter if I'm a little bit late doing
Exactly. That was going to be my other point. No significant difference between 9pm and 10pm as regards when you take it. I actually vary the time I take my evening Levemir depending upon what my levels are doing. I used to take it at bedtime but my levels started drifting upwards in the evening, so now I take it about 7pm ish but it might be 8pm or 9pm depending upon what I am doing. Diabetes has to fit in with your life as much as possible, rather that you trying to fit your routine around it.
Exactly. That was going to be my other point. No significant difference between 9pm and 10pm as regards when you take it. I actually vary the time I take my evening Levemir depending upon what my levels are doing. I used to take it at bedtime but my levels started drifting upwards in the evening, so now I take it about 7pm ish but it might be 8pm or 9pm depending upon what I am doing. Diabetes has to fit in with your life as much as possible, rather that you trying to fit your routine around it.
someone from my team was abousllty adamant that I showed be taking my livermir when I get up and when I go bed whatever the times whatever the time. I tried to explain if I do that I get a massive jump in the evening but she was adamant that whatever the time I was I should do that. but just didn't seem to understand the issues if I did that "I know you're trimmings will be a little bit off but it will give the 24 hours and it will fine" I know from experience it doesn't. not if I've gotten up at 8 and then gone to bed at gone 11 I tried to explain about how trimmings of that would be vesllty different sometimes, other nurses on my team have slightly different opinions. i guess i'm the one who will try to notice how my body responds so I might have to try and explain this because she was not understanding I didn't seem to pay attention to me saying that wasn't working for me.
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