Not allowed own food in club

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This is real bad customer service and I think you have given your branch management a crack at fixing this it must now go to higher up the chain. A health club should not want to be known for selling unhealthy food! Plus local papers lap this stuff up. It might be good detailing all what has happend in an email and send it to a couple of papers and see what happens.

Hi All,

Well I met with the GM last night and stated all your good advice - unable to supply the food I need and when I need it and my confidence in them providing what I asked for was damaged. Also had chance to explain to the GM actually what could happen to a diabetic if didn't eat properly. He listened and said that the club had had huge problems recently with many members bringing in their own food and taking the michael! He then said could tell mine was a genuine need and would allow me to bring my own food in for 2 months and review then. In the meantime he would be speaking to the bar manager who has to get things right. Problem now is - don't think even after she overhauls the service, I will trust things. I have just been thinking how since I have been diagnosed I seem to be sticking up for myself and speaking out a lot more - normally wouldn't say boo - anybody else noticed this?
Sounds positive. Hope you will give the club food go, as the GM sounds like he is willing to make changes - and if you don't take up the offer, he's more likely just to ignore requests from others. It's true that explaining the difference between need to bring in own food and just wanting to is a subtle difference, at least not immediately obvious when seeing a person eating a sandwich.
In fact, people with some food allergies or coeliac disease can suffer even more acutely (sooner after eating the wrong thing) and seriously (life threatening anaphylaxis) than people with diabetes. I say this because my sister and her daughter can't eat gluten, and finding safe food / avoiding hidden gluten (eg in sausages, sauces etc) is more difficult for them that for me to find suitable food, which is a bit of a problem sometimes, particularly getting diet drinks when expecting full sugar and vice versa.
Sounds like at least the GM is prepared to listen. Did he also realise that the reason why so many people want to bring in their own food is because what they provide is such poor quality coupled with awful service? If they actually made an effort to provide reasonably priced, healthy food, then maybe the problem would go away and they'd do a lot more business!
To be honest, I would never think of taking my own food and eating it in another food establishment where it is usual practice to purchase it... diabetic or not..
To be honest, I would never think of taking my own food and eating it in another food establishment where it is usual practice to purchase it... diabetic or not..

I can understand that, but if you can't actually get what you want or need then I think it is the establishment's failing - especially in a health orientated environment. I can see that it would be quite difficult for the staff to monitor though, so the best solution is to up their game! In this situation, it wouldn't be that hard to provide healthy food, which is all we're talking about really, and would complement the service (fitness) they provide.

Since I was diagnosed I've noticed what a paucity of suitable food you find everywhere, particularly sandwiches where white or wholemeal are the only choices, and often with sugar, fat or salt buried in the ingredients. Also, my local supermarkets have a huge selection of white breads but only two seeded/granary loaves. What is it with white bread?:confused:
Hotchop - generally that would be my rule.
However what would you do in my situation.
On a Saturday I arrive at my club at ten, play a match for the club lasting 51/2 hours and then have to do the etiquette thing and take lunch with the opposition where despite several requests - only cheese and tomato white bread sandwiches were offered this week. The other week whilst playing a match away for the club, I had a hypo and was given cake, and sandwich by the away club free of charge. There is now way I could have gone 61/2 hours with no food - so I am afraid in some circumstances I have to challenge their rule. The GM now takes my point anyway, so things are happy again..and Copecod - of course if the food and service improve, I would have no issue with eating their again - it would make my life easier not to have to prepare food as well as all my kit before I set off.
Glad you managed to get somewhere with the GM. x
Yep - a fitness club that has a very limited menu for me - always put full fat spread and mayo when ask for just low fat. Run out of granary a lot and only have white - keep giving me full fat instead of diet coke. complained but was made to feel a fool by bar manager and general manager says bar manager doesn't like own food! useless! Its also very expensive for a diabetic to eat their every day as don't get the full meal (includeds chips) but have to pay full price. I wondered wha they could do if caught me as a diabetic eating own food - been told my membership would be cancelled. I know it sounds silly but I love my classes - its just the food that is an issue. the bar manager is a bit up on herself and for some reason has a problem with me - on complaining before was told can't see what the problem is - you are only diabetic and we cater for that - yes if you don't mind an hour wait sometimes and food having to go back and forward until they get it right. Grrr.

YOU WERE TOLD YOUR "only diabetic!!!!!" - DO THEY NOT KNOW IT CAN BE FATAL!!!! If you dont eat properly they will be calling an ambulance for oyu!!! FFS grrrr i feel so mad! - give me the number in a pm!! give me the name! i will compain watch me if i dont!!!
Northerner - that is brill! That is exactly how it feels sometimes.
thanks - I don't think I have ever inspired anyone!
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