Not allowed own food in club

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have been banned from taking my own food into my club - even though they can't cater properly for me. Are they allowed to do this?
I shouldnt think they can do that at all....but what kind of club are you referring to? A fitness club?
Who was it doing the banning? They may have been applying a general rule about food that they might make an exception to for medical reasons, so it might be worth going to the senior management and complaining.
Yep - a fitness club that has a very limited menu for me - always put full fat spread and mayo when ask for just low fat. Run out of granary a lot and only have white - keep giving me full fat instead of diet coke. complained but was made to feel a fool by bar manager and general manager says bar manager doesn't like own food! useless! Its also very expensive for a diabetic to eat their every day as don't get the full meal (includeds chips) but have to pay full price. I wondered wha they could do if caught me as a diabetic eating own food - been told my membership would be cancelled. I know it sounds silly but I love my classes - its just the food that is an issue. the bar manager is a bit up on herself and for some reason has a problem with me - on complaining before was told can't see what the problem is - you are only diabetic and we cater for that - yes if you don't mind an hour wait sometimes and food having to go back and forward until they get it right. Grrr.
Is it part of a chain? I'd go to the owners and complain, it sounds like the management are making up their own rules, plus remember that a healthy diet for a diabetic is no different to a healthy diet for everyone else - if they can't cater for you then they are not providing healthy options for anyone!
Could just do with something sort of legal to quote to them - probably having a meeting this afternoon with the GM.
DDA; they are required by law to make reasonable adjustments to cater for people with individual needs; you are asking for diet coke, not some strange drink they could only source from one part of the country or anything...people like this wind me up no end!
It is part of a chain. I personally think they are being ridiculous,. I would only be sat quietly eating my own sandwich. I am beginning to feel I am making a big fuss over nothing but I go there straight from work and don't really want to eat my meal in my car beforehand (which is what i have been told to do!).

Surely if I was on meds, (i am not but they don;t know this) they couldn't refuse?

Is there anything in an act anywhere I can throw at them to shut them up.
What is DDA?
Rather than looking for legal quotes / rules, I'd look up healthy eating guidelines, particularly if your local health authority or local council has issued any. As Northerner has wisely said, food suitable for people with diabetes is suitable for anyone aiming to eat healthily, so if they're not providing healthy options, they are failing to provide for the majority of people.
I think the problem is I no longer trust them to provide exactly what i ask for and in a timely manner,without food having to go back.e. given a cheese and tomato sandwich on white instead of plain tuna on granary (because they didn't have latter). this after 40 min wait.
Cant you cancel your membership or threaten to, you will be amazed how fast they will accomadate you then.
Just do what you've gotta do and if they ban you then you know the local paper will be crying out for stuff like this. They will stand to loose more than you! Trust me a big part of my work is reputation management for brands.
I think the problem is I no longer trust them to provide exactly what i ask for and in a timely manner,without food having to go back.e. given a cheese and tomato sandwich on white instead of plain tuna on granary (because they didn't have latter). this after 40 min wait.

I think a letter or email to head office would probably be very welcome from what you say. I can't imagine a chain of health/fitness clubs being happy with such lax attitudes towards the food and service being provided - potential for some very bad publicity! There's no reason that you should be identified at your club if the head office take action.
The management at our club at the moment seem to think if people complain ignore them and they will leave. The problem is the true workers - eg PT are brilliant and jsut what I need at the moment. I think I am going to test them and sit and eat my sandwich and see what happens. They have lost out as now none of my circle of friends are even going to buy a drink as do not want to help this bar manager reach her target!
It is part of a chain. I personally think they are being ridiculous,. I would only be sat quietly eating my own sandwich. I am beginning to feel I am making a big fuss over nothing but I go there straight from work and don't really want to eat my meal in my car beforehand (which is what i have been told to do!).

Surely if I was on meds, (i am not but they don;t know this) they couldn't refuse?

Is there anything in an act anywhere I can throw at them to shut them up.

Oh lucy who told you to eat in your car- that's outrageous. You could just say that you have a medical condition- Diabetes- and you need to eat healthy food- aren't they supposed to provide this- seeing as they are a fitness club. The truth is, they probably don't want you eating your own food, dietry requirements or not- it's more money in their pockest and profit for them if you eat and drink their provisins. If you don't get any help from them- find out who's the head Honcho and insist you speak to them- or change clubs. Good luck Sheena:(
Shiv is right, quote the DDA at them. I hope you can get it sorted, it would be a shame to loe sometinh you like so much. If it does come to that I'd go to your local press and embarass the whole bunch of them.
i think its disgusting how you have been treated. i hope it all works out for you and you get results xxx
Hi Lucy, I think it is disgraceful the way you have been treated, after all you are willing to buy their food if A) They would get the order correct and B) They had suitable food that you could eat...

I would start quoting the DDA at them and I would also eat my own sandwich... If they stop you from doing that or try and withdraw your membership I would do one someone else suggested, and go to the local paper, I am sure they would love this kind of "human interest" story.
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