NICE recommends tirzepatide (mounjaro) for T2 diabetes

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I am not surprised at all.

I know a few people with T2, and not many of them have made the relevant lifestyle changes to try to get it under control.

A lot of people seem to just ignore it.
its easy when no symptoms . its hard when you cant eat what you want n feel sick on meds and yes i did ignore it . if i did not have to go for HbA1c (hubby’s rule) . Life is easier in oblivion
If it feeds your self declared obsession.......
I have it too its called documenting your responsibility so that you can have evidence to make informed choices. i am not on insulin but id would be seeing how foods react.
i thought a healthy diet was good fruit veg even the Mediterranean diet sets me off. Some low carb things do too . its all portion control as well.
I think some of the reactions to tirpezatide, semaglutide, the others further back in the pipeline, are fascinating. Just from the weight loss perspective, it's as if some people think *really* dealing with weight issues involves struggle against moral or cognitive flaws and these drugs are cheats which let you pretend to have dealt with these flaws while allowing them to continue to fester.

If you lose weight and keep it off without subscribing to some quasi-religious little food purity dogma - low carb, low fat, now low UPF - and making yourself a *better human being* you're cheating and your flaws will continue to poison your soul and psyche despite your artificially-skinny outer form. Or something.

It's just such crap. The huge demand for these drugs is driven mainly by the very large number of people who have struggled with weight forever, spent huge amounts of mental and emotional energy on trying every behavioural strategy and dogma for dealing with it, and not succeeded because their peptides are out of whack.

I'm coming up on five years of ~25% sustained body weight loss, via calorie coutning, simple mindfulness, frequent weighing and a bunch of exercise, and I have absolutely nothing to teach most of these people about anything. They've tried it all, and more, and worked harder at it than I've ever had to. The difference is I'm one of the minority of people who got lucky with their peptides etc, and they are not. Now they have medication options (modulo availability, and obviously modulo individual responsiveness and side-effects) to make up for that, and it's a great thing.
Im not convinced injecting a drug to change will make me stop putting on weight. i know some days i win sone days i lose. i dont think this is what i need. i want to lose weight have a good Blood sugar and no meds . Not hsve meds injections snd be s barbie doll.
Not hsve meds injections snd be s barbie doll.
These drugs aren't for turning you into a barbie doll. That's just a media beat up. They can make it easier to do simple things to lose enough weight to improve health & maybe put yr T2D into remission, and keep it off. They are not going to make it effortless, just more possible, and they are not (usually) going to result in eg going from a BMI of 35 to "skinny".

People trying these drugs just for cosmetic purposes don't stay on them for long, according to the data I've seen.
pThese drugs aren't for turning you into a barbie doll. That's just a media beat up. They can make it easier to do simple things to lose enough weight to improve health & maybe put yr T2D into remission, and keep it off. They are not going to make it effortless, just more possible, and they are not (usually) going to result in eg going from a BMI of 35 to "skinny".

People trying these drugs just for cosmetic purposes don't stay on them for long, according to the data I've seen.
i want to lose weight have a good Blood sugar and no meds .
The people saying we do not need this think we want to be models( barbie dolls) .
If this was like say antibiotic it helped your body get better to cope again alone .
Im not sure it would help me. Again i am on one med so unlikely yo meet criteria.
Im doing good as i am .
I will get there.
I think some of the reactions to tirpezatide, semaglutide, the others further back in the pipeline, are fascinating. Just from the weight loss perspective, it's as if some people think *really* dealing with weight issues involves struggle against moral or cognitive flaws and these drugs are cheats which let you pretend to have dealt with these flaws while allowing them to continue to fester.
It reminds me a bit of the anger that chloroform generated back in the day, when it was used to relieve pain in childbirth. The suffering was considered a moral duty.
It reminds me a bit of the anger that chloroform generated back in the day, when it was used to relieve pain in childbirth. The suffering was considered a moral duty.
A Gp said she was going to have a natural birth. We wrote our birthing plan books out together. i finished mine quick. easy answer to most questions was wait and see. How could i have planned my two weeks late induced birth with fiorceos cuts tares etc. id no idea. Her natural
birth too ended in caesarean. Blame was not there . What i am trying to say is unless in that position at that you cannot speak for yourself or anyone else.
I can plan to stick to a diet and give in . Or i can be at a meal and totally refuse. Same me its not s switch i can turn on or off its just me.
i had beautifully behaved children as a mothers help and mine were yo be even better . Ha ha my son was autistic with behavioural problems to start with . So my thoughts changed. Hind site , wisdom and sometimes just allowing others things without judgement is a better way to think.
Thalidomide mothers never asked fir their children to suffer. My friends mum just had bad morning sickness. It was not so she had the perfect pregnancy . Yes folks pointed blame there too. If…,
It reminds me a bit of the anger that chloroform generated back in the day, when it was used to relieve pain in childbirth. The suffering was considered a moral duty.
Great comparison!
I have it too its called documenting your responsibility so that you can have evidence to make informed choices. i am not on insulin but id would be seeing how foods react.
i thought a healthy diet was good fruit veg even the Mediterranean diet sets me off. Some low carb things do too . its all portion control as well.
I'm absolutely not against recording data to aid informed choices and ingrain habits likely to support a healthier lifestyle, but there can come a point when the learnings from that data are less impactful, due to most folks lifestyles and routines.

My understanding of Martin (based on his signature) is he was diagnosed around 4 years ago, and achieved a position if remission fairly promptly, and sustaining that position since.

Martin then appears to have said that he is nearing obsession, recording his day from his first test, through everything he eats and drinks.

I just wonder how many new learnings Martin is getting from his very thorough recording, if he feels it is nearing an absession.

Of course, it is up to each of us to decide where we are happy to be living, in terms of that activity and documentation.

Personally, when I reached a point of predictability I geared back the testing and recording activity for foods, drinks and activities where I had collected data several times historically.

Each to their own.
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