Nice guidelines for statins

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It doesn’t mention Type 1.
I'm always interested in looking behind the headline stats, which can be quite frightening. For example, in my husband's family, most of the deaths have CVD on their death certificates, but most of them were around 90 when they died.
Hear hear. My MiL apparently died of Pneumonia and I can't argue that it was not that which carried her off. However had she not had terminal bowel cancer (and c of her innards generally) and been admitted to hospital when her whole body was closing down and was hence immobile, she wouldn't have got pneumonia. It did her a favour - since she didn't have to suffer any more.

Doesn't everyone die anyway, when their heart stops beating? Why only 85% of us? 😉
The G.P ( a new one at practice) said I should of been on them for years and don't know why I haven't as a preventive care! It a funny one when you research it, there's benefits and side effects from taking them. Honestly I don't know what to think??!! I feel I look after myself well and been put into a corner to take them

Give new gp some credit for checking up on why your not prescribed statins.

Despite excellent cholesterol levels was offered them as preventative measure, after reading around at latest research decided to take one, like you low dose of artovastatin at 20g. Had no side effects & didnt expect to, they are well tolerated drug & very few experience side effects, statins have been around for last decade or more & most be one of the most researched drugs in modern times, they are considered safe & very effective.

Only stopped mine as forgot to take one for few nights then never bothered after that, but wouldnt have any hesitation at restarting them if need be.
If you do decide to take them, keep the dose at a level no higher than needed to keep your cholesterol ratios in the right region. The brain needs cholesterol so going too low can be harmful. I think much of the research figures are nonsense just like the QRisk scoring
The lowest dose of Ator~ is 10mg. If chol is very high and needs heavy reduction asap they may start you on more - but again once you get to where you need to be - the dose can be reduced to a maintenance level of 10mg if that's all it needs. (which they'll determine by doing enough blood tests!!!)
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