It could be made less stressful with better less unwieldy IT support, more admin support, better signposting of patients and other sectors including social care and secondary care able to also function more effectively. Ultimately better patient education as to which problems need a GP and when this is urgent and when other services ranging from 999 to social services to informal/ voluntary sector and support from family and friends is more approprate. Hell I just remembered 999 needs to be able to function which means ambulances need to be able to offload which needs social services need to be able to function. Utimately more appointments are needed and quite probably more hours worked by GPs doing clinically relevent work and not being bogged down by nonsense. Which means more other staff so that it is safe for them to see patients and an end to the " 5 o'clock " - for some services( or even 5:30 or 6:30) -6:30 for all other staff to leave-phenomenon which means that if it is still appropriate for you to offer an appointment that day rather than direct to A and E there will be someone in the building with you in case they do become agitated/ agressive or an emergency develops for which you need assistance, or contacting ambulance service, sending urgent fax ( if not in England) etc Plus pharmacies to still be open and mental health services to be contactable in the event of the patient having a mental health crisis
And lots and lots of coffee
And lots and lots of coffee
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