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I must have been lucky then (????????????) being fairly instantly diagnosed with T1 by one of the GPs at our surgery. Apparently my glycosulated haemoglobin was 13 point something at the time, = approx.120.
In my previous comment, I wrote that I was not surprised by a member of the public no knowing you can be diagnosed with Type 1 as an adult. I have just been surprised to read this
Type 2 diabetes is the acquired kind, and it doesn't always require insulin therapy. It's also the most prevalent kind of the two. Type 1 diabetes is the one you're born with, and it's insulin-dependent.
My daughter had a secondary school science teacher who believed that you have to be born with type 1, and was utterly shocked to learn that my daughter developed it at the age of 6! And that’s what they are teaching children, and so it will continue :(
One science teacher that she had in year 7 or 8 said that she would let my daughter run the class for the day when they got to doing diabetes in year 10; unfortunately that teacher left before that and then my daughter spent most of year 10 in lockdowns/year group isolation because of Covid. It would have been so interesting if she’d had her chance to explain things from the point of view of someone who actually lives with it!
In my previous comment, I wrote that I was not surprised by a member of the public no knowing you can be diagnosed with Type 1 as an adult. I have just been surprised to read this
That’s where it comes from then. It’s not only been assumed I was “born with it.” I was assured as a kid, I’d “grow out of it?”
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