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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Can someone clarify something for me? I was talking to my neighbour that I was now Type 1, she is firmly of the opinion that children only develop type 1, I thought this was an old fshioned, out of date opinion. I just said ok, thats your opinion
She's wrong. I got type 1 at 55.
Adults get type 1. Its not an opinion, its her being wrong, which is ok, lots I don't know, but really no excuse for not being open minded enough to take in correct information.
I'd laugh at her and tell her to take it up with my endrocrinologist. I doubt she knows what one is.
And then forget about it.
Oh, by the way, you may want to change your 'type of diabetes' to type are still showing as type 2
Can someone clarify something for me? I was talking to my neighbour that I was now Type 1, she is firmly of the opinion that children only develop type 1, I thought this was an old fshioned, out of date opinion. I just said ok, thats your opinion

She’s wrong. More adults than children are diagnosed with Type 1 (the figure varies depending on where you put the cut-off for child). You can’t have an opinion about a fact. Adults can develop Type 1. The oldest person to develop it was in their 90s.
Agree with TDM that she is wrong based on an out of date presumption.
If you are Type 1 then you absolutely require exogenous insulin and if your BG can be controlled by non insulin means then you are not Type 1 although some Type 2s will use insulin to get control if the alternative medications are not sufficient.
Can someone clarify something for me? I was talking to my neighbour that I was now Type 1, she is firmly of the opinion that children only develop type 1, I thought this was an old fshioned, out of date opinion. I just said ok, thats your opinion
She is absolutely wrong, a friend was diagnosed as Type 1 at nearly 80 years old.
Ask her why she thinks they changed the name of it from Juvenile Diabetes to Type 1? Hint - it’s because more than 50% of Type 1s are diagnosed in adulthood.
Thing is she is type 2 insulin dependent and sees the same consultant as me at nearby hosiptal, tempted to tell her to go ask lol
She's wrong. I got type 1 at 55.
Adults get type 1. Its not an opinion, its her being wrong, which is ok, lots I don't know, but really no excuse for not being open minded enough to take in correct information.
I'd laugh at her and tell her to take it up with my endrocrinologist. I doubt she knows what one is.
And then forget about it.
Oh, by the way, you may want to change your 'type of diabetes' to type are still showing as type 2
ok forgot about that thanks
I was 31 when I was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes, over 40 years ago. The specialist was surprised at my age, innocent days, but said a woman about my age had also been diagnosed as type 1 the previous week. We were obviously the leaders of a new trend.
I was 51! My GP assumed it was Type 2 because of my age, but fortunately referred me to the hospital who were more clued up.
Another late developer of Type 1 here who could prove your neighbour wrong. I was 55yrs old at diagnosis. Initially thought to be Type 2 but the sudden onset of symptoms and very high HbA1c, sudden and dramatic weight loss and ineffectiveness of oral meds in the first 6 weeks lead to insulin being started and Type 1 testing a couple of months later, which was positive.
Can someone clarify something for me? I was talking to my neighbour that I was now Type 1, she is firmly of the opinion that children only develop type 1, I thought this was an old fshioned, out of date opinion. I just said ok, thats your opinion
It’s probably the way you explained it. You’re not “now type1” or “changed from t2 to t1 now”, because that’s not how it works. If you’ve been diagnosed t1 then you were t1 all along and have been misdiagnosed previously. Your use of the word “now” in your thread makes it sound like you’re telling people you’ve changed to being t1 which isn’t what happens.
You can absolutely get T1 as an adult.

And you can get T2 in childhood.

T1 and T2 are differentiated by the clinical factors in the conditions, not the age at which you develop them 🙂
Sounds like they have the same IQ as the barstool expert who keep saying "You must have been a fat kid to be diabetic since childhood!"
I was 64 when I was told I had type 1, I was in shock, didn’t think at that age I would have it.
Seems with other replies it can happen to anyone, we should accept that .
Theresa May has type 1 and was diagnosed when she was in her 50s
For those of us who were diagnosed with Type 1 as adults, this belief seems shocking but I am not surprised.
The media still refers to Type 1 as "usually diagnosed in childhood" (yes, they now include the word "usually" but given more than 50% are diagnosed over the age of 20, it is not usual) and doctors still make the assumption that it's type 2 when you have high BG as an adult - just look at the number of people who were initially misdiagnosed in this thread alone. I think there was a report a few years go that something like 30% of people diagnosed with Type 1 as adults were initially misdiagnosed.
So, yes, it is sad that a member of the public is not aware you can be diagnosed with Type 1 as an adult but I am not surprised.
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