Newly Diagonosed Type 1.

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi, I'm Sammie. I am 24 years old and I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes on the 1st December 2016.
I still cannot get my head around it all still. I am on humilin I, Nova Rapid and Metformin.
I feel like a walking pharmacy now when I go out! 😎
Over the past few weeks I have found out so much people have it then I thought to begin with, but on the flip side I have realised not a lot of people (in my case work) no nothing about it and it scares me! I recently found out that having type 1 diabetes now comes under the disability act. so I know that I have some sort of back up!
Anyway this was a Hi, first post kind of post lol.
if anyone has any pro tips with living with type 1 diabetes please let me know:D
Welcome Sammie. It certainly is a lot to take on board. How are you getting on with your insulin regime? Things will get easier and you have found a great place here for help and support. 🙂
Hi Sammie, welcome to the group. Feel free to ask any questions or join in with the general chat.... The members here are very supportive of eachother.
Welcome Sammie I know how you feel am still in shock some days I have type 1 as I have always been very fit and active but you just have to do the best you can I guess it gets easier slowly
Hi Sammie, Welcome.
Welcome Sammie. It certainly is a lot to take on board. How are you getting on with your insulin regime? Things will get easier and you have found a great place here for help and support. 🙂

Hiya, yeah it really is lol. I'm getting on good with it to be honest, its harder when I'm at home due to not having a set routine with meal times and what to eat. Yeah I think I just need to plan ahead for everything and that's what I find hard at the min. thank you I look forward to finding out about this new world lol! :D
Welcome Sammie I know how you feel am still in shock some days I have type 1 as I have always been very fit and active but you just have to do the best you can I guess it gets easier slowly

Hiya, It's so overwhelming! See I'm in shock but I wasn't shocked at all when they told that I had it because I haven't been well for a long time. It's mad that literally anyone can have this! thank you and hopefully it will start getting easier very soon:D
Hiya, It's so overwhelming! See I'm in shock but I wasn't shocked at all when they told that I had it because I haven't been well for a long time. It's mad that literally anyone can have this! thank you and hopefully it will start getting easier very soon:D
Yes it takes time to get use to but to worry you will get there am still overwhelmed when I sit down and think about it lol
Hiya, It's so overwhelming! See I'm in shock but I wasn't shocked at all when they told that I had it because I haven't been well for a long time. It's mad that literally anyone can have this! thank you and hopefully it will start getting easier very soon:D
Welcome aboard🙂 It's a very steep learning curve. It does get easier, but diabetes always keeps you on your toes😱
It will definitely keep you on your toes, but it also gets a lot easier. The best analogy I heard was comparing it to learning to drive, which all seemed very complicated at first and now is just something you get on with, but are ready for the surprises along any journey.

Do keep asking any questions as people on here are very happy to help. Things will usually be a bit all over the place to start with as your pancreas may decide to make a bit of insulin now and then, and with the injections you are now doing it will have had a bit of a rest.
Hi All
I'm new to all this, only being diagnosed as Type 1 on the 16th December after being admitted to hospital with my ketones through the roof. Merry Christmas
I can't believe how much there is to take on board, getting through the Christmas holidays has been hard, but I'm slowly bringing my sugars down which I guess is good.
I have been researching all things diabetes since being admitted to hospital and whilst at home, this forum is excellent, so much advice and support for us newbies. I hope to visit this forum regularly to share experiences and gain more information on how to deal with it all. Staying positive
Hi Christopher and welcome to the gang 🙂. Any questions just post in a new thread and someone will get along to help. This forum has been a real wealth of support and advice since I was diagnosed, and hopefully will be to you too.
Have a happy new year!
Hi, I'm Sammie. I am 24 years old and I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes on the 1st December 2016.
I still cannot get my head around it all still. I am on humilin I, Nova Rapid and Metformin.
I feel like a walking pharmacy now when I go out! 😎
Over the past few weeks I have found out so much people have it then I thought to begin with, but on the flip side I have realised not a lot of people (in my case work) no nothing about it and it scares me! I recently found out that having type 1 diabetes now comes under the disability act. so I know that I have some sort of back up!
Anyway this was a Hi, first post kind of post lol.
if anyone has any pro tips with living with type 1 diabetes please let me know:D
Warm welcome to the forum Sammie
Hi All
I'm new to all this, only being diagnosed as Type 1 on the 16th December after being admitted to hospital with my ketones through the roof. Merry Christmas
I can't believe how much there is to take on board, getting through the Christmas holidays has been hard, but I'm slowly bringing my sugars down which I guess is good.
I have been researching all things diabetes since being admitted to hospital and whilst at home, this forum is excellent, so much advice and support for us newbies. I hope to visit this forum regularly to share experiences and gain more information on how to deal with it all. Staying positive
Welcome Christopher. Do introduce yourself in a new thread and just ask away with questions. People on here are happy to help.
Hi, I'm Sammie. I am 24 years old and I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes on the 1st December 2016.
I still cannot get my head around it all still. I am on humilin I, Nova Rapid and Metformin.
I feel like a walking pharmacy now when I go out! 😎
Over the past few weeks I have found out so much people have it then I thought to begin with, but on the flip side I have realised not a lot of people (in my case work) no nothing about it and it scares me! I recently found out that having type 1 diabetes now comes under the disability act. so I know that I have some sort of back up!
Anyway this was a Hi, first post kind of post lol.
if anyone has any pro tips with living with type 1 diabetes please let me know:D
Hi Sammie, can you remember when England won the world cup ? That was the year I was diagnosed age 3. I have never been unemployed in my life & wont let T1 stop me. Good luck with work etc but being active & working is good for me.
Hello and welcome!

I know what you mean about people's lack of knowledge about diabetes. When I first returned to work post DX my big boss came round with a tin of chockies. I politely refused one and when she insisted I explained I was newly diagnosed diabetic and probably shouldn't... In a huff she said "oh, well I'll bring fruit round next time!"...

I did want to point out that fruit would have the same effect on me but I just bit my lip...

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