I get these symptoms everyday for the past week and a half - i went to A&E with these symptoms on wednesday (after i did the glocuse tolerance test) and the triage nurse said there was nothing wrong with me, so i went home, went to the doctors friday to get my blood results and he said i was diabetic but i have been having this for the past week and ahalf now, they seem to be more frequent that i get them, yesterday they were so bad when i woke up at 8am - i had to go back to bed, i didnt wake up til 12pm and i felt as though i had a bad hang over, i was tired, didnt want to do much, had a headache, was shaky, it was horrible.
Theres no pint me going to the hospital because they wont treat me and my gp isnt open today.
I will try drinking the water, sometimes water does help i find but to be honest the symptoms are getting more frequent i think its not working much anymore ... but will get ion it now 🙂
As for the sweating my hubby said he is hot so it must be the weather 🙂
The symptoms i have now will get worse i will go to sleep for a little then wake up have some toast and about an hour after i feel better again, just tired of feeling like this!