Newly diagnosed....

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all.
My name is Louise and I've just been diagnosed as type 2. I'm seeing a diabetes nurse on Monday and have been told to write a list of questions for her.

I'm having so many symptoms and they're really bothering me.
Does anyone else get numb thighs/legs/feet?
Racing heart?
Overwhelming tiredness?

Sometimes I'm so tired my eyes burn. Is there something in my diet that I can change to prevent this?

I'm now on 3x metformin per day.

Looking forward to getting to know other members!

Hi all.
My name is Louise and I've just been diagnosed as type 2. I'm seeing a diabetes nurse on Monday and have been told to write a list of questions for her.

I'm having so many symptoms and they're really bothering me.
Does anyone else get numb thighs/legs/feet?
Racing heart?
Overwhelming tiredness?

Sometimes I'm so tired my eyes burn. Is there something in my diet that I can change to prevent this?

I'm now on 3x metformin per day.

Looking forward to getting to know other members!

Hi Lou, welcome to the forum 🙂 Sorry to hear about your diagnosis :( The good news though, is that all those problems you are currently experiencing will more than likely disappear, and you will feel happier and healthier once you learn how to get your blood sugar levels under control - so there is a lot to gain from really getting to grips with things right from the start 🙂 You've made a great first move by joining us here!

I'd recommend spending a bit of time reading Jennifer's Advice and Maggie Davey's letter - they should help to give you a good overall grounding. I'd also highly recommend getting a copy of the excellent Type 2 Diabetes: The First Year by Gretchen Becker - many of our members have found this to be a great help through these early months 🙂

Don't feel you need to change everything overnight, it needs to be a gradual adaptation and learning process. If there are any questions or concerns you have, please ask - there is a lot of experience and knowledge among the members here, so someone is bound to have an answer for you 🙂
Thanks for your reply. I have just ordered that book, thanks for the suggestion. Hopefully it'll be as helpful to me as it has been to others.

I'm sure I'll learn the do's and don't in time.
I am hoping that my nurse gives me one of those blood monitors because I never know whether I'm having a hypo or hyper. Though if she doesn't give me one, I'll buy one.

I've bookmarked the other two links you've provided and I'll come back to them after work. Thanks for your suggestions...time to get learning!
Thanks for your reply. I have just ordered that book, thanks for the suggestion. Hopefully it'll be as helpful to me as it has been to others.

I'm sure I'll learn the do's and don't in time.
I am hoping that my nurse gives me one of those blood monitors because I never know whether I'm having a hypo or hyper. Though if she doesn't give me one, I'll buy one.

I've bookmarked the other two links you've provided and I'll come back to them after work. Thanks for your suggestions...time to get learning!
Hi Weezy...the Gretchen Becker book will be a great help...such a valuable source of information...she is diabetic herself...written from that perspective...takes you through her first year from her diagnosis onwards.,. month by month....answers many of the questions we (all) ask to do...details why we need to test our to...what benefits we gain from it...would highly recommend it...still early days for you yet...doubtful the nurse will supply you with a glucose meter & strips during your appointment...hope I'm wrong...rare for type 2's to be given a meter & strips...unless on medication that can cause hypoglycaemia...but...nothing to stop you asking for one...there is a wealth of information available on managing much it can be overwhelming...that's the beauty of the forum...a wealth of experience from members living with diabetes...advice on the good points (yes there are some!) to (hopefully) avoid the pitfalls...speaking from their own personal experiences...good luck with your appointment on Monday...would be interested to hear how you fared...any specific questions you can post them here...I've no doubt one of us will be able to help...good to 'meet' you.
Good morning Lou.
Hi Lou welcome to the forum, hope it goes ok Monday. Let us know
Hi @Weezy and welcome to the gang. As Northie says, any questions just fire away, and one or more of us will do our best to help you out.
Hello and welcome to the forum @Weezy 🙂

I've never seen a diabetic nurse but I've only been diagnosed since February 2016 ::sarcasm:: :D
Hello and welcome to the forum @Weezy 🙂

I've never seen a diabetic nurse but I've only been diagnosed since February 2016 ::sarcasm:: :D
Ditto that is outrageous- you should make an appointment to see a DSN - get your feet checked for instance - you should see a DSN at least once a year x
Ditto that is outrageous- you should make an appointment to see a DSN - get your feet checked for instance - you should see a DSN at least once a year x
They do keep in touch with other things as I was under the doctor already because of dicky ticker and iffy liver! I've just had a blood test for liver again. They do see me once a year but that's from before I was diagnosed with D. Since being 'diagnosed' (after a fashion) they never mention the D apart from when I phoned trying to get a meter/strips and they said I didn't need to measure.
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