welcome josh
hi thanks for giving such a good intro of yourself and your situation - what a horrible time to find out - right in the middle of exams when you need to concentrate. eeeek.
My advice for now is WRITE DOWN all your questions about carbs/fat/ sugar and make sure you don't leave your carb counting session until you have some clearer ideas about the answers - you might not understand it all at once but its a start.
If you like maths write it all down as equations.
If you like words and english and prob even if you don't try to make a note of words the team mention so you can look them up, refer back to them and get into the lingo.
oh and you'll also find a few - what are they called - short hand words like dsn, so make a note of those too - then come back here and explain them all to me!!!!
I don't want to add to your overwhelmed confusion by asking lots of questions so i'll stop now,
good luck - i give my son 4 injections a day - might be worth getting your mum on here to chat in the parents section if she wants some support,