Newly diagnosed in the forces.

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Evening all,

As the title says, diagnosed just over a week ago now whilst on leave by a civilian GP. I have spoken to both my work place and the military Dr and have been temporarily downgraded.

They have both decided that I can go back to work once my leave is finished, luckily I also have Monday off so they want me in on Tuesday. Thing is I feel it's too early to go in when my levels are not yet stabilised. I do have a meeting with the diabetic team at my local hospital Mon so will hopefully get clarity on that, especially as my meds may change.

The main thing I am wondering is if anyone here has experience of the military procedure for this. I am type 2 but waiting for the anti gadd test to come back.

All experience is welcome, I don't want to leave, passed all my fitness tests before diagnosis and having been in over 11 years have quite a bit of experience to offer.

Thanks for reading and apologies for the ramble.
Welcome @AndyLum 🙂 That wasn’t a ramble at all🙂 It’s good they’ve done the anti-GAD test. I can’t answer anything about the military but perhaps your diabetes team could write you a letter you could use? Are you on any medication for the diabetes?
Hi @Inka, thanks for the reply. I am on 500mg Metformin twice a day and testing the sugar levels four times a day.

On Monday the diabetic team will check my blood glucose diary and discuss if I need Gliclazide. It's all new as is the terminology.

Feel a bit gutted in a way, whilst my dad has it, he got it in his 50s in part due to lifestyle. I am 35, probably in the best shape I've ever been in and this happens. Plan now is to get on top of it all early and just enjoy what I can.

I've had the odd 10 min woe is me wobble but that is expected really.
@AndyLum It’s totally normal to have ‘wobbles’. A diabetes diagnosis is stressful and upsetting. You’ll gradually get used to it. Give yourself time and be kind to yourself. It seems like you’re getting good, efficient and organised treatment. That’s a positive thing.

How are your blood sugars at the moment?
Hello @AndyLum - I was wondering how far into the diabetic range you were at diagnosis.
After starting off with a Hba1c of 91 I reduced it to 41 by changing my diet.
At first I was given tablets, but they had dreadful side effects - I stopped taking them after a few weeks, and found I never needed it, but I got a good quality carpet cleaner out of the experience so not all bad.
I am twice your age, so it isn't as important to me to be able to pass fit but I am not going to become a little old granny any time soon.
I am surprised that you were put straight on medication - usually there is at least a few months to see if diet changes will work.
@AndyLum It’s totally normal to have ‘wobbles’. A diabetes diagnosis is stressful and upsetting. You’ll gradually get used to it. Give yourself time and be kind to yourself. It seems like you’re getting good, efficient and organised treatment. That’s a positive thing.

How are your blood sugars at the moment?
Hi @Inka, they are coming down now, fluctuating between a low of 6.1 up to 17/18. Have changed the diet, wasn't too bad before but now it's much better.

My wife is very very supportive and is doing more research than I am! It makes a massive difference.
Hello @AndyLum - I was wondering how far into the diabetic range you were at diagnosis.
After starting off with a Hba1c of 91 I reduced it to 41 by changing my diet.
At first I was given tablets, but they had dreadful side effects - I stopped taking them after a few weeks, and found I never needed it, but I got a good quality carpet cleaner out of the experience so not all bad.
I am twice your age, so it isn't as important to me to be able to pass fit but I am not going to become a little old granny any time soon.
I am surprised that you were put straight on medication - usually there is at least a few months to see if diet changes will work.
Hi @Drummer, my Hba1c was over 130, can't remember the exact number. I've had no I'll effects from the Metformin yet, though it's been just over a week now. It's frustrating that I had the beginning of symptoms in April but ignored/denied/justified them. Mine was unquenchable thirst which I put down to change of shift, air con drying out the office and more physical activity. It could have been looked at earlier but nevermind I suppose.

My diet has been decent but now it's definitely much better. Just need to look at sensible ways of adding a bit of weight on, but it's early days and I'll get there. Small steps and all that.
Those aren’t too bad immediately after diagnosis @AndyLum In addition, if your blood sugar has been high for a while, it’s best to bring it down gradually.

You mention adding weight on in your post above - did you lose weight prior to your diagnosis?
Those aren’t too bad immediately after diagnosis @AndyLum In addition, if your blood sugar has been high for a while, it’s best to bring it down gradually.

You mention adding weight on in your post above - did you lose weight prior to your diagnosis?
@Inka yes that was another symptom which got picked upon. Went from 93kg to 78kg in a few months. I justified this as I was doing my physical activity but I knew it wasn't enough for that weight loss. Still ignored it for a bit longer though, though hindsight is always 20/20
@Inka yes that was another symptom which got picked upon. Went from 93kg to 78kg in a few months. I justified this as I was doing my physical activity but I knew it wasn't enough for that weight loss. Still ignored it for a bit longer though, though hindsight is always 20/20

That sounds like a very possible Type 1 to me @AndyLum and would explain why they’re testing for it so swiftly. I’m not in any way a medic, just a person with Type 1, but the weight loss was a major symptom along with the awful thirst.

Do you have a means to test for ketones? If not, do ask at your appointment. If you are Type 1, you won’t have to modify your diet (the diet for Type 1 is the same healthy diet recommended for everyone) and will put the lost weight back on with the help of insulin. You’ll also feel an awful lot better.
@Inka yes ketones were tested for but they were within normal limits. Looking forward to getting the results for the clarity.
@Inka yes ketones were tested for but they were within normal limits. Looking forward to getting the results for the clarity.

The diabetes type confirmation will make a huge difference @AndyLum They’re both diabetes but very different conditions.
@AndyLum has had an antibodies test @rebrascora I’d bet money on Type 1 from what he’s said here.
Yes, I read this thread last night and forgot to reread it again tonight to refresh my memory. I was a bit slow in typing my post anyway, but deleted it before I saw that you had responded.
Yes, I read this thread last night and forgot to reread it again tonight to refresh my memory. I was a bit slow in typing my post anyway, but deleted it before I saw that you had responded.

I was just about to Like your post and it disappeared :D No problem - I actually re-checked the OP before my post to you. It’s easy to get muddled and forget details. I usually have to look back a lot myself🙂
I was just about to Like your post and it disappeared :D No problem - I actually re-checked the OP before my post to you. It’s easy to get muddled and forget details. I usually have to look back a lot myself🙂
Yes, I was just being unusually lazy tonight. I normally do double check before I post.
Let is know how things go at your appointment today @AndyLum

Fingers crossed it gives you the clarity and answers you are looking for, and that you can work with your employer to find a satisfactory way forward. 🙂
So a quick update

On Monday had a call with the diabetic specialists, now on 40mg Gliclazide in the morning in addition to the Metformin. Will have a follow up call next Monday and if all is good will be discharged to the GP/Mil Dr

Spoke to the Mil Dr who signed me off till next Monday to get used to the change in medication. Will have a face to face next Tuesday to discuss next steps. Mil Dr is keen to set up appointment with the local eye specialist and get my feet checked too.

I am content to go back to work but as I work away Mon-Fri my wife is concerned and is just thinking of the 'what if'. Doesn't help she is a nurse and is more than aware of the worst case scenario. I'll be looking at working Mon-Wed next week. My actual work seem onside over the phone, but will be interesting how they are face to face.

Just want a bit of normality, hopefully this is a step along that.
Thanks for the update Andy

Best of luck with the return to work goes well, and your wife’s worries are calmed.
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