
@Feefee welcome to the forum. Im a similar age to you diagnosed in July. Here it is usual to have two blood tests to confirm diabetes. I was 69 in late june and as i had requested the test because of symptoms it was obvious I was diabetic which was confirmed 4 weeks later at 64. Noone suggested diet alone although I dropped 5 points with dietary changes. Since 15 August I have taken pills. I found changing to low carb food particularly eggs, fish and veg kept me full and I lost 10kg. I have reintroduced some meat but been careful with processed food. I gave up sugar in drinks when I was 13 and cereal a few years later. I managed to get fat by eating too much and not moving enough. I do like some sweet things but I am missing potatoes especially mash and jacket potatoes. I had a cottage pie last week in two portions with loads of veg and my blood sugar was fine. You should cut out sugar in coffee but if it is important to the taste initially go to half a teaspoon. The less sugar you consume the more you become attuned to how sweet things are hence I gave up sugar in drinks and later on cereal. I'm assuming as you are fond of sugar in your coffee you probably need to lose some weight. I remember my brother gave up sugar in his tea but still took it in coffee for many years. My brother in law originally took 6 sugars in his coffee which he weaned himself off. With him it was a way as a student of annoying his parents who were both dentists.
My advice is be mindful of what you eat. I had and still sometimes do eat thoughtlessly. I don't buy biscuits because once they are open I eat too many. I can enjoy one at my sisters because they are her biscuits and she won't offer a second.
I remember as a child I would always have seconds if I'd enjoyed it. My sister would always decline and my brother based his decision solely on whether he had had enough to eat. His " ive had enough thank you" made me feel greedy.
In the end you need to find a way to feed your face and your soul without feeling punished.

Good luck
Hi Saffron, try mashing in some grated cheese with the potato and test after that if your willing to experiment. Would be very interested in result. I too can't have much more than a heaped tablespoon of mash on its own but by adding cheese I can tolerate over double the amount.
Hello, are we talking pouring double cream because I tried a dollop of thick double cream and it split. I have an all singing all dancing coffee machine which does a wicked flat white but that’s nearly 60% milk so I tried cafe creme and the cream split! I’m still debating whether to go back to sweeteners to get my fix. I
Normal pouring double cream.
Normal pouring double cream for me also. If it's full on clotted cream invariably it splits (but still great!) and if my double cream has been open for a few days (but still in date, just closer to its use by date) then it can sometimes split. But as with clotted, it's still fine for me to drink.

My lattes at home are either 7.5 gms carbs or 10, ie 150 gms or 200 gms blue top milk @4.7%, then plus the unmeasured generous dollop of cream. I'm searching for a mug with some sort of marking or pattern inside to give me a close measure of my milk.
I went to a lecture by a leading diabetologist once and the issue of sweeteners came up. He said to get the doses that causes issues in mice you would need to drink 30 large bottles of Diet Coke a day and if you did that you would have other more serious problems! Virtually a life long diabetic I gave up sweeteners in my early teens as I kept forgetting them, and the likes of ABC and Lyons never stocked them then!
I have a Bamix and find that it can homogenise, pulverise, aerate, integrate just about anything - at the moment it is making milkshakes for the most part, but I just never put it away so it is there, handy, for making drinks frothy, and very thoroughly mixed.