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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi ive just been diagnosed with type 2 so at the moment I'm just trying to get my head around everything
Hi and welcome.

Sorry to hear about your diagnosis but you have come to the right place for information and support. We all know from experience how overwhelming it can be at the start, so do allow yourself time to come to terms with it. If it is any consolation I am not (edit.... should read "now" not "not"!) fitter and healthier than I was 5 years ago when I was diagnosed because that diagnosis was the kick up the backside I needed to do something about my diet. It is all too easy to put it off until you have to face it. The best bit is that changing my diet and going low carb has actually improved a lot of other health conditions which I had been struggling with for years, so there have been lots of positives to come out of it once I got my head around it all and made the right changes. Hope you will be able to look back in a year or so and feel the same.

How did your diagnosis come about? Was it picked up by a routine blood test or were you symptomatic and f so which symptoms?

Do you know your HbA1c blood test result? This is the blood test used to diagnose your diabetes and monitor your treatment progress in the future. It will normally be a number in excess of 47 but can be into 3 figures if things are significantly awry. Knowing that number and how far above 47 gives you an idea of how far into diabetes territory you are and therefore how much work you may need to do to bring it back down and gives the doctors an idea of whether you need medication or not. If you are only just over the line in the low 50s, some simple dietary swaps should be enough to push it into remission, but if you are in the 70s or more you may need medication as well as dietary changes at least initially, but we have members who have brought it down from 3 figures and maintain it in the normal range with just diet and exercise, so regardless of how high you are there is hope for significant improvement if you are open to making changes.
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Hi @Frankielou and welcome to the forums. I too like @rebrascora found my diagnosis a kick up the rear I needed which spurned me into a much healthier diet. I look back and wonder why I didn't change it earlier! hind sight and all that...
Yes my first couple of days were a whirlwind of emotions, but once you feel the change in health you won't look back. It does take commitment 🙂
Welcome to the forum @Frankielou

Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. It can feel quite overwhelming, but things will become clearer. Diabetes is a serious condition, but it’s also one that can usually be managed well with a few changes and adaptations - it’s something that you can learn to live well with, and it shouldn’t stop you doing things you enjoy.

You might find some of the information in the ‘Useful Links’ thread helpful

Let us know how you get on, and keep asking questions as they arise 🙂
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