Newbie with Potential Severe Problems

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Ok slight update!

Monster levels of 22-25 throughout the day, despite me upping my Lantus but only by a couple of units.

Just did a keytone test and the result of that is 4mmol/l.

I have taken on some extra Humalog around 6.30 this evening to hopefully deal with it, so should i test keytones again in a couple of hours alongside another blood sugar test?

(I am beginning to wonder if i have a bad batch og Humalog cartridges although i did change a couple of days ago but from the same batch/box).

Thanks guys
Yes you should, your ketone level is very high, above 3mmol/l you should seek medical help so call 111 together with the high blood glucose level you are in danger zone.
A keytone result of 2.9mmol/l means you are at increased risk of DKA and you should contact your GP or Diabetes nurse as a matter of urgency. A reading above 3mmol/l and you could already be in DKA (the exact numbers are apparently debated by healthcare professionals, but worth getting checked out as a matter of priority).
Ok thanks.

I have just read up about that and was hoping i may be able to deal with it at home as i reeeaaaallly dont fancy spending time in a hospital at the moment!

For doing a regular keytone test, should i drink plenty of water?
Ok thanks.

I have just read up about that and was hoping i may be able to deal with it at home as i reeeaaaallly dont fancy spending time in a hospital at the moment!
Please phone either 111 or the emergency contact number you should have been given and let us know the outcome.
Ok, just called and it has directed me to the 111 website which i went through with various symptoms, and after clicking 4+ for keytone levels it has shouted at me to dial 999???

Thing is, i really don't feel unwell and would feel a bit of a fraud!!

Still on hold for 111 on the phone.
Ok, just called and it has directed me to the 111 website which i went through with various symptoms, and after clicking 4+ for keytone levels it has shouted at me to dial 999???

Thing is, i really don't feel unwell and would feel a bit of a fraud!!

Still on hold for 111 on the phone.
unless they answer within 10-15 min then you should phone 999. Are you on your own, if so phone 999 now.
no my wife is with me.

Strange update..

Just tested keytones again and it's down to 0.5 ish????

BG now up to 28 though ad from memory never been this high ever!
no my wife is with me.

Strange update..

Just tested keytones again and it's down to 0.5 ish????

BG now up to 28 though ad from memory never been this high ever!
Since the ketones have come down but you glucose is still high I would still talk to 111 but test ketones again.
Ok, Im still home!!

Spoke to a lovely lady at 111 and she put me forward to a local GP who called me back.

Went through everything, and whilst he didn't give me a specific answer, he said that drinking plenty of water will in effect flush it all through. He and I were beginning to wonder if, with the first test i left it in the sample too long?

Anyway, blood sugars are dropping slowly (now at 19), and my KT are just above 0 and below 0.5 which he said he is happy with. He said that if my KT's were that genuinely that high, he said i would normally be feeling quite unwell - Pains, vomiting, not able to function normally etc.

We did also go through my normal insulin dosing, and what my blood sugars at the time were and he was very much of the opinion that i didn't really take enough extra on board to deal with the high, and the additional meal i was loading on top and the extra was potentially only dealing with my food intake at the time. But, thing is, in the past this is pretty much what i would hve done, and that would have dealt with it.

He did also say that drinking plenty of water can help reduce blood sugars?

Anyway, feeling a little less thirsty now, but now i need to work out why my BGs are that high, although i do plan to start a basal test this weekend and see what i get from that.

Thanks again everyone, your help is very much appreciated!

Ok, Im still home!!

Spoke to a lovely lady at 111 and she put me forward to a local GP who called me back.

Went through everything, and whilst he didn't give me a specific answer, he said that drinking plenty of water will in effect flush it all through. He and I were beginning to wonder if, with the first test i left it in the sample too long?

Anyway, blood sugars are dropping slowly (now at 19), and my KT are just above 0 and below 0.5 which he said he is happy with. He said that if my KT's were that genuinely that high, he said i would normally be feeling quite unwell - Pains, vomiting, not able to function normally etc.

We did also go through my normal insulin dosing, and what my blood sugars at the time were and he was very much of the opinion that i didn't really take enough extra on board to deal with the high, and the additional meal i was loading on top and the extra was potentially only dealing with my food intake at the time. But, thing is, in the past this is pretty much what i would hve done, and that would have dealt with it.

He did also say that drinking plenty of water can help reduce blood sugars?

Anyway, feeling a little less thirsty now, but now i need to work out why my BGs are that high, although i do plan to start a basal test this weekend and see what i get from that.

Thanks again everyone, your help is very much appreciated!

For some people drinking water can reduce BG but for others they would need to drink pints and pints of water to make a difference (me included 🙂 ).It’s good that your levels are coming down. And that was great advice from that GP, most GPs don’t know the difference between Type 1 and Type 2!
Glucose doesn't start spilling over into urine until your BG is approx. 11.0 but there again, ketones don't usually get going until BG is approx. 13 +. You should always make an effort to drink water once you have ketones though on the basis it is all you can do at home other than correct BG with extra fast acting insulin - and every little helps.
Ok, Im still home!!

Spoke to a lovely lady at 111 and she put me forward to a local GP who called me back.

Went through everything, and whilst he didn't give me a specific answer, he said that drinking plenty of water will in effect flush it all through. He and I were beginning to wonder if, with the first test i left it in the sample too long?

Anyway, blood sugars are dropping slowly (now at 19), and my KT are just above 0 and below 0.5 which he said he is happy with. He said that if my KT's were that genuinely that high, he said i would normally be feeling quite unwell - Pains, vomiting, not able to function normally etc.

We did also go through my normal insulin dosing, and what my blood sugars at the time were and he was very much of the opinion that i didn't really take enough extra on board to deal with the high, and the additional meal i was loading on top and the extra was potentially only dealing with my food intake at the time. But, thing is, in the past this is pretty much what i would hve done, and that would have dealt with it.

He did also say that drinking plenty of water can help reduce blood sugars?

Anyway, feeling a little less thirsty now, but now i need to work out why my BGs are that high, although i do plan to start a basal test this weekend and see what i get from that.

Thanks again everyone, your help is very much appreciated!

It sounds as if you had some good advice from your call, I am pleased you persevered with the 111. I was perhaps being over cautious but with those levels it could have been worse than it turned out to be.
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