Newbie, Struggling to get blood sugars down to acceptable levels.

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This will make the next appointment with the Diabetic Nurse an interesting one, as I hate needles and struggle to press the button to jab a finger for a sample. When I mean struggle, my finger just freezes, my brain tells me it's going to hurt, when I finally hit the button and it jabs my finger it does hurt.
The needles we use for injecting insulin are tiny. They are 4mm long and very fine so most of the time, we cannot feel it when we inject. And pain from injecting is very rare. I find injecting much easier than stabbing for my finger prick meter as the needles are smaller in all dimensions than the lancets.
I understand that phobia’s don’t comply with the rules of logic. But I hope this will give you some reassurance if you need to go down the insulin route.
There are also options (I think called Tickleflex) where the needle is hidden. Some people with needle phobias find this helps.
I have to admit the finger prick hurts, I stutter because I know it's going to hurt once I press the button to launch it and it does, sometimes I even sweat pressing it.

There has been an alternative tablet mentioned, but it involves drinking lots of water during the day, but as I work outside where customers aren't in, I can't just pee in the garden. So I will have to have insulin to help with the tablets I take in order to try and bring my levels down to the norm.
I have to admit the finger prick hurts, I stutter because I know it's going to hurt once I press the button to launch it and it does, sometimes I even sweat pressing it.

There has been an alternative tablet mentioned, but it involves drinking lots of water during the day, but as I work outside where customers aren't in, I can't just pee in the garden. So I will have to have insulin to help with the tablets I take in order to try and bring my levels down to the norm.
If you have your technique right then finger pricks should not hurt certainly less than a papercut or a prick from a rose thorn.
Setting your pricking devise to less deep and choosing the right place on your finger, I find just to the side of the pad is the best place.
If you are going to go with insulin you will have to test regularly especially if you drive.
Oh joy of joys. If it gets my levels down, then it has to be done. Sometimes it hurts more than others, but I'm still wary of pressing the button, like everything in life, adaptation is the key to success. The needle bothers me less than the finger prick, don't mention papercuts, they are worse than grazes lol

It would appear that miracles do happen.

Good news. HBa1c down from 88 to 58. Cholesterol down from 6.8 to 5.4. Other bloods are good. BMI still too high at 27.1, needs to be at 22, but it still has time to come down more. Blood pressure between 117 - 132 sys and 72 - 82 dys

Despite a pandemic for Rybelsus till August 2024, I have managed to get it. The results speak for themselves concerning my HBa1c.
Many congratulations on some really great results! Well done!
Would you like to share how you achieved them as it may help others.
Many congratulations on some really great results! Well done!
Would you like to share how you achieved them as it may help others.
My Diabetic Nurse and I had nearly exhausted all avenues to reduce my daily levels as well as My HBa1c. At the time of her suggestion to go onto an injection of Semagutide, otherwise known now due to media interest as the slimming injection or a tablet version with the same properties, I chose the tablets. If these didn't work, the injection was my last resort. I have struggled to reduce my daily levels for a long time, not for the want of trying, for some unknown reason, the only way to keep them low was 2 meals a day, which is totally impractical and down right impossible having a physical job. So we looked for other options to help with this setback.
Rybelsus was mentioned, so it was decided that this would be the next direction that I would go in. Rybelsus comes in 3 doses, 3mg, 7mg, 14mg. The usual course is start out on a month of 3mg, moving to 7mg after the initial first month. At the time it was readily available, however after being prescribed 3mg, there became a global shortage as the Media found that the injection version was being used for weight loss in the USA, making the ingredients difficult to come by, thus causing a huge shortage for those that needed the drug for its original use, the helping of those with type 2 diabetes. For the first 3 months, I had to scourer the Pharmacies to see who could get Rybelsus, after a few uncertain months for a supply and having to make a box of 7mg last 2 months a couple of times, I have now, fingers crossed manage to find a supply for the next 3 months, guaranteeing at least into the New Year, so hopefully more progress in the right direction. Added to this I don't eat past 8pm most nights, on the odd occasion I will eat later, say for a meal out or summer BBQ, but on the whole it a regular time of 8pm.

A little bit more about Rybelsus for those that have never heard of it.


Improving your blood sugar is a very important part of managing your type 2 diabetes, along with healthy eating and staying active, may help.

You'll start with a 3 mg dose of RYBELSUS for 30 days. Your healthcare provider will prescribe a 7 mg dose to take after the first 30 days.

You take 1 tablet first thing on an empty stomach with 125ml of water no more no less. You have to wait 30 mins before you drink or eat anything, giving the tablet time in the stomach.

Rybelsus also supresses your appetite, you must eat though at your regular times, but I have found since being on it, it is little and often.

This is working for me at the moment, not sure it's for everyone, but it is an option, that for the moment is working in my favour.

It would appear that miracles do happen.

Good news. HBa1c down from 88 to 58. Cholesterol down from 6.8 to 5.4. Other bloods are good. BMI still too high at 27.1, needs to be at 22, but it still has time to come down more. Blood pressure between 117 - 132 sys and 72 - 82 dys

Despite a pandemic for Rybelsus till August 2024, I have managed to get it. The results speak for themselves concerning my HBa1c.

Nice to see you again @idstretch

And congratulations on your progress 🙂
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