- Relationship to Diabetes
- Type 1
A warm welcome!
You have most definitely not been getting the best care!!!😡
In my opinion you have been left in the dark with not even a candle to find your way around!....nice one NHS!
Thank you for the welcome🙂
and no, it is definitely very disappointing. haven't been particularly lucky with the NHS regarding diabetes care.
the week prior to my diagnosis I even went to the doctors 3 TIMES. I went on the Monday, Thursday, and the Friday! I felt so poorly and could barely walk because I thought I was going to collapse, my breathing was really fast for some reason, my pulse was 115 RESTING (taken in appointment) then if I literally just stood up from the chair it went up to 130! I was throwing up, and felt incredibly dizzy, yet they said they couldn't find anything wrong. Friday after again being turned away by the doctors my transplant nurse sent me to a&e, where I went straight to resus with a bm of 44 and was very dehydrated (which I didn't think was possible because I was drinking A LOT because I was very thirsty). even had people from intensive care checking up on me. was a v. scary time. Would be useful if dr's actually listened when things are clearly wrong. I am not one to complain about my health and am no hypochondriac, but you know your own body and when something is wrong you expect to be listened to.
at least now people will hopefully take me seriously. They probably thought I was just another teenager making a big deal out of nothing.