Newbie diabetic :(

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.......I have also noticed my vision isnt as good as it was especially reading smaller print, has anyone else noticed this?

Hi Jeni

I was diagnosed a month ago too. My eyes are still blurry at times - I wear glasses all the time, mainly for distance but kept them on for close work too without any problems. However, now I can't wear them at all for close up work - I have to remove them or move them down my nose and look over the top of them - not a good look! Asked my clinic nurse and she said it's normal and not to be tempted to go to the opticians yet as it would be a waste of money. Her advice was to wait it out and suggested 3-4 months based on my blood glucose levels on diagnosis.
Just thought knowing that might help. Shame you can't get to see a nurse until October. Makes me grateful that I've had so much care and attention that it's all been a bit overwhelming!
I've basically gone on a low carb diet and got some cookbooks from Amazon (diabetic recipes and low carb recipes) to get some inspiration and bought the Collins Gem Carb Counter to keep in my handbag which is great handy reference tool. My numbers came down to single figures in less than a month.
Hope all that helps!


On the question of vision - I got no help or advice worth a dime for months- no matter what questions I asked of who--
- my experience the whole story, about 3 weeks after diagnosis I drove to France with a transit full of luggage towing a motorcycle trailer, drove to a geit south of Le Mans, went to bed, the following morning I put my glasses on and could not see through them, I put my bi focals on and could see through the reading element, I spent the rest of my time in France driving with my head tilted back so that I could see to drive, I got home and went to the Dr who told me to go to the optician, optician gave me new glasses, I asked questions (why - what- how ) of the Dr , Diabetic nurse and optician, I did not get an answer from any of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My vision sort of reverted after about 4 months, back to Dr and Optician and nurse, then another optician who gave me chapter and verse on BG levels and alteration to vision due to density of glucose in the elements of the eye, and more new glasses.

If you need new glasses for day to day use like I do, you have to get them, but get the cheap options until you can get confirmation that your vision is stable.
The optician also told me that on a bad day my vision will change from morning to night but within a restricted range. I fine that my vision at the end of a long day is not to bad but the head aches are!

Hi Jeni

I was diagnosed a month ago too. My eyes are still blurry at times - I wear glasses all the time, mainly for distance but kept them on for close work too without any problems. However, now I can't wear them at all for close up work - I have to remove them or move them down my nose and look over the top of them - not a good look! Asked my clinic nurse and she said it's normal and not to be tempted to go to the opticians yet as it would be a waste of money. Her advice was to wait it out and suggested 3-4 months based on my blood glucose levels on diagnosis.
Just thought knowing that might help. Shame you can't get to see a nurse until October. Makes me grateful that I've had so much care and attention that it's all been a bit overwhelming!
I've basically gone on a low carb diet and got some cookbooks from Amazon (diabetic recipes and low carb recipes) to get some inspiration and bought the Collins Gem Carb Counter to keep in my handbag which is great handy reference tool. My numbers came down to single figures in less than a month.
Hope all that helps!
I got told not to visit the opticians until my blood glucose levels stabilised - I waited until my HbA1c was in the 5's/6's and I was regularly waking in that range too.

When you have high levels the glucose builds up in your eyes, disturbing your sight. As you come down you have the issue of a short term sight disturbance.

I read that glucose tends to build up in the eyes at relatively low average BG levels - anything from HbA1c 7% upwards (unfortunately, can't recall where I read that).
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