Newbie Confused by all the numbers

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That I wouldn't actually know, would hope they are guided by their dietician here at the hospital on how they describe the meals, what ever it is I still think the issue is the utter confusion with regards to the numbers and how it seems despite all that is out there in the net here they seem to think readings of 12+ are acceptable when nothing on the web suggests this
That I wouldn't actually know, would hope they are guided by their dietician here at the hospital on how they describe the meals, what ever it is I still think the issue is the utter confusion with regards to the numbers and how it seems despite all that is out there in the net here they seem to think readings of 12+ are acceptable when nothing on the web suggests this
They may be suggesting that in your situation at the moment because of the accident that is OK but not more generally as a day to day level under normal circumstances.
Have they ruled out something like a TIA (transient ischemic attack) as the reason for your accident rather than diabetes related.
They may be suggesting that in your situation at the moment because of the accident that is OK but not more generally as a day to day level under normal circumstances.
Have they ruled out something like a TIA (transient ischemic attack) as the reason for your accident rather than diabetes related.
They have sent me here for a range of tests including on my heart and circulation all of which are clear and with no other medical conditions that are suggestive of a blackout other than a worsening set of blood glucose figures
They have sent me here for a range of tests including on my heart and circulation all of which are clear and with no other medical conditions that are suggestive of a blackout other than a worsening set of blood glucose figures
The thought came to me as my other half had a TIA, he was driving and said the car felt as if there was something wrong with the steering. He pulled over and his speech was slurred, he couldn't use his arm and he lost consciousness. So that sound similar to the description you gave of weaving about. Luckily we were near home and called 999 and the ambulance was there within minutes.
He was immediately put on anticoagulants, had a scan and has had no further occurance.
The thought came to me as my other half had a TIA, he was driving and said the car felt as if there was something wrong with the steering. He pulled over and his speech was slurred, he couldn't use his arm and he lost consciousness. So that sound similar to the description you gave of weaving about. Luckily we were near home and called 999 and the ambulance was there within minutes.
He was immediately put on anticoagulants, had a scan and has had no further occurance.
I wasn't actually weaving, the dashcam apparently shows I slowly drifted across the road into the oncoming traffic, I no recollection and the car was handling normally prior to this point.
The road concerned is known to be dangerous as it is a fast single lane carriageway with wide single lanes each way there have been a further 4 crashes on that stretch since my own including one fatality, it is known locally as suicide alley and there have been numerous calls for a central reservation to be installed, many of the accidents seemingly occur because they are wide single lanes in each direction so some drivers go for an overtake, the issue being a driver in the opposite direction tries the same and you have recipe for a crash and initially this is what the police assumed had happened in my case but the dashcam footage shows neither me nor the other vehicle involved were overtaking and my car just slowly drifted across so no erratic movements
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