Newbie and waiting to hear from you all :-)

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Hello Bubbsie, nice to hear from you. She just handed over a booklet on My Diabetes and another on first step to healthy eating for diabetes. She said to join the 6 week course and if still confused then can refer to a dietician. I am just waiting to see what my HbA1c would be next week and see if they reduce my metformin from twice daily to once or not. I have heard about the book and will be getting one soon. Thanks.
It is a great book means you can start to manage your diabetes right away if you choose to...sometimes there is a wait for a place on the education the meantime there is nothing to stop bringing your blood sugars down while you are waiting...get ready for the have to do things in your won time of course...don't rush...but...nothing to stop you getting ready...if you have any questions post them here...someone will probably be able to help.
It is a great book means you can start to manage your diabetes right away if you choose to...sometimes there is a wait for a place on the education the meantime there is nothing to stop bringing your blood sugars down while you are waiting...get ready for the have to do things in your won time of course...don't rush...but...nothing to stop you getting ready...if you have any questions post them here...someone will probably be able to help.
Thanks Bubbsie, Yeah I am trying my best to control my diet and being active. Have lost a lot of weight and still counting. Any idea if someone has reversed or put this on remission?
Hello all, new here is that I am back from my 1st Diabetic Nurse review. She took some blood and gave a brochure to read about Diabetes. She said she will give let the doctor write prescription. I have another review of my results next week and I guess that's it. Wondering if we need to do self monitoring of our BG or would GP be able to do it once a month or something? How do you all do when on Type 2?
I test my BG about three times a day, and extra if I'm testing to see how much a certain food has affected me. My DN told me to test about three times a day, and to vary when I test, although I forget to do that bit. Presumably because I'm on Glycazide, but she didn't tell me it was only for a short time or whatever.
I test my BG about three times a day, and extra if I'm testing to see how much a certain food has affected me. My DN told me to test about three times a day, and to vary when I test, although I forget to do that bit. Presumably because I'm on Glycazide, but she didn't tell me it was only for a short time or whatever.
If you drive you should also test before driving as Gliclazide can cause hypos.
If you drive you should also test before driving as Gliclazide can cause hypos.
Yes, that was one of the other things they told me. I got a leaflet on that too.
It was one of the first things they asked me when they were talking about the medicine, and I was asked again in a follow up appointment with my GP. I guess they're really on top of things.
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