New Type 2 & Overwhelmed

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According to the experiment on that TV program, cooled then reheated pasta was even a bit better than just cooled. (They couldn't think of an explanation for that.)
Oops I only saw this after I posted about same thing...
According to the experiment on that TV program, cooled then reheated pasta was even a bit better than just cooled. (They couldn't think of an explanation for that.)

Didn't know this either... I'm a pasta person so will give this a try!!! 🙂
Hi all my son now off gliclazide as saw gp today and she was stunned at his weight loss (21 lbs in 5 weeks) and his tests have all been in normal range over past few weeks....he still has about 2 stone to go to be healthy bmi and needs to stick to low carb diet and exercise so waiting till December for next Hb test ... she said she wouldn’t be surprised if he is even down to non diabetic range by then... he’s still on metformin am and pm but even so it seems we’re goingin the right direction. Thank you to everyone who has offered support and help especially @Drummer
Hi all my son now off gliclazide as saw gp today and she was stunned at his weight loss (21 lbs in 5 weeks) and his tests have all been in normal range over past few weeks....he still has about 2 stone to go to be healthy bmi and needs to stick to low carb diet and exercise so waiting till December for next Hb test ... she said she wouldn’t be surprised if he is even down to non diabetic range by then... he’s still on metformin am and pm but even so it seems we’re goingin the right direction. Thank you to everyone who has offered support and help especially @Drummer
So good to hear @DebbieC , keep up the good work ...!
Thanks @Martin9 first time we’ve felt so positive in last few weeks
Hi @Autism-Mama
As a former carbaholic, rice, pasta and jacket potatoes were my daily main meals and I just couldn’t imagine how I would survive without them, honestly thought I would be so miserable or starve to death 😱
Then I discovered cauliflower....I mean I had it before, it was the bland white stuff used to fill the plate.....but I soon learned it could replace rice, I could fry it, cover it with cheese, mash it with a spoon of mustard, top my cottage pie with it and SO much more! I’m over a year in now and honestly can’t imagine eating bland carbs again, I even prefer my curry or chilli on its own now 😛 with or without diabetes I would never go back to my old ways because I’ve never felt better :D
Welcome to the Forum. I would echo what Cathy B says. I was exactly the same. Everyday muesli or cereal, added toast to it at weekends; sandwiches at lunchtime, potatoes in the evening, or pasta or rice especially if out for meals. Hungry most of the time. Not overweight and did not keep eating when felt hungry but always thinking when is next meal. Since I cut the carbs, down not out, I am hardly ever hungry.
Hi, lovelies,

I have just been diagnosed with Type 2 and have a meeting tomorrow with GP to discuss medication options.

I've tried to do some research of my own over the weekend and have just found soooooo much information. It's been quite overwhelming.

I'm a mummy to a little boy on the Autistic Spectrum and have quite a hectic life so any advice and information you can share with me to understand this whole process would be invaluable!

Looking forward to meeting some lovely new people.

Danielle 🙂
We both sound the same! I was also diagnosed type 2 this week and I have an autistic son so this is really the last thing I need! I agree with the overwhelming feeling as well it’s a minefield is information when you look online. I’ve never done forums before but honestly found that the comments and advice I have had on here have helped massively!
Sorry I’m just seeing this lovely. It’s been a crazy few weeks with sick bugs and all sorts. How do you feel your coping with the diagnosis now? I’m really struggling to make the changes I need to. Life just seems to be a struggle at the minute and dietary changes are just the least of my priorities!
Hello i'm type 2 diabetic, been struggling with getting a good understanding of it all, no one has helped me understand it all. its like i have no one
Can anyone help?
Sorry I’m just seeing this lovely. It’s been a crazy few weeks with sick bugs and all sorts. How do you feel your coping with the diagnosis now? I’m really struggling to make the changes I need to. Life just seems to be a struggle at the minute and dietary changes are just the least of my priorities!

i agree so busy with life just can’t manage this right now. I’ve been off work for 4 weeks due to the effects of Metformin, had to stop and start it after a trip to hospital because of the stomach pain.
I was so ill after a month or so taking Metformin and Atorvastatin, I threw them away - a bit drastic, but I was getting suicidal thoughts.
It was all the more galling to realise that I never needed them in the first place. Eating low carb dropped me down below diabetic levels in days, and my Hba1c was at the top end of normal in 6 months.
I did have a meter to check my levels, which most HCPs do not recommend - but when driving, I want a speedometer, not fines, when eating I want normal readings, not high Hba1c and being told I am a very bad diabetic.
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